Riding the Wind and Asking the Moon (156)

Zuo Yue seemed to have lost consciousness. Xu Yuan carried Zuo Yue up anxiously and helped her to stand firm. She turned to look at the snowmen piled up beside her. Her eyes flashed with worry and heartache. She hugged Zuo Yue tightly and looked at Xu Chengfeng, who seemed to be carefully sizing up Zuo Yue."This child has probably been hiding here for a long time wearing so little clothes. Call the doctor quickly."

Xu Chengfeng's gaze left Zuo Yue's pale face almost stiffly. He reached out and grabbed her cold hand, pulling her into his arms."I'm not familiar with the private doctors in Los Angeles. I'll carry her back first."

"Alright." Xu Yuan saw that Zuo Yue was so confused that she could not recognize the person beside her. Seeing that she did not cry because of someone else's touch, she quickly took out her phone and called the doctor.