Riding the Wind and Asking the Moon (177)

He had actually gotten to this point with his niece!

He could actually throw away all the restraints of ethics and love Zuo Yue as if she was a woman. He could even do these things that they had desired for a long time!

However, that layer of obstruction was like a sudden stick that smashed into his head, knocking on his rationality.

Xu Chengfeng stopped moving and watched Zuo Yue close her eyes nervously as she endured the sharp pain that was about to come. However, her hands still refused to let go of his shoulders.

Xu Chengfeng suddenly frowned and closed his eyes, not looking at her flirtatious expression.

Zuo Yue immediately opened her eyes and looked at him blankly.

This was clearly not how it was portrayed in the movies she had seen.

"Uncle…" Zuo Yue stared at him blankly,"You…"