Riding the Wind and Asking the Moon

Three years later-

May in Boston wasn't considered hot. Zuo Yue walked out of the library with a few books in her hands and was about to leave.

"Zuo Yue!" Julie suddenly caught up from behind."You've been coming to the library to borrow books recently. Are you preparing to go out for an internship?"

Zuo Yue looked back at Julie and smiled.""Yes, the pictures from our school have all been borrowed by the graduates. I couldn't find a few of them, so I could only borrow them from you."

"You suddenly changed your studies three years ago. I heard that your mother helped you apply for a business management major in Los Angeles. But why did you come back to Boston? Back then, you never told me the reason, but you didn't leave Boston. Instead, you left your medical profession and didn't stay with us anymore. This has always made me feel bad…"

"How is it not together? Don't we meet often? It was just that they weren't in the same school and major."Zuo Yue said with a smile.