Riding the Wind and Asking the Moon (227)

The next day.

"Why are you so absent-minded? Was he really that sick yesterday? He didn't even have the strength to call the company and ask for sick leave?"

When the colleagues in the office saw Zuo Yue sitting in front of the computer in a daze, they suddenly knocked her head lightly with the document in their hands and said with concern,""If you're not feeling well, you can go and rest. If there's any other work, we'll help you with it. Anyway, you're an intern, so there's nothing particularly tedious to do."

Zuo Yue snapped back to reality." It's nothing. The manager didn't say anything about me not coming to work yesterday, right?""

"The manager saw that you came to make up for your sick leave in the morning. Seeing that your performance in the past few days was fine, the manager didn't pursue your absenteeism yesterday and helped you make up for your sick leave. Don't worry, your internship points won't be deducted."