Riding the Wind and Asking the Moon (230)

The moment the voice came from behind, Zuo Yue's footsteps stopped, and the blood in her body was about to freeze.

"What's wrong?"

Bai Hao saw that her face had suddenly lost all color and thought that she was feeling unwell. He quickly raised his hand and stroked her forehead."Did you catch a cold? Or is there something wrong? Why do you look so pale all of a sudden?"

The voice just now was not far behind them. Zuo Yue raised her hand and pulled Bai Hao. Under his inexplicable and worried expression, she pulled him into the side hall that led to the bathroom.

After entering the side hall, Zuo Yue leaned against the wall and secretly peeked out with half of her face exposed.

She saw the familiar figure walk in from the front door. Ainte and the two bodyguards followed him at a fixed distance, observing the people and movements around them from time to time as usual.