Riding the Wind and Asking the Moon (236)

Through the door, Zuo Yue could hear the chaos, but she could not hear anything related to Xu Chengfeng because the sound insulation was very good.

Since he said that what happened outside had nothing to do with him, then what was he doing?

Zuo Yue paced back and forth inside the door worriedly. At the same time, she frowned when she heard a few gunshots and the terrified screams and cries coming from outside. Her hands gradually clenched into fists.

Suddenly, it seemed like someone had run into the vicinity to avoid danger. The screams of women and children approached. Zuo Yue heard it and instinctively wanted to open the door. However, just as she placed her hand on the door handle, she recalled what Xu Chengfeng had said just now and retracted her hand.

She couldn't go out and cause trouble for him. There must be a reason for him to let her hide here. She might not be able to help him even if she went out. She might even make him flustered.