Riding the Wind and Asking the Moon (258)

At the Russian border.

Zuo Yue slept soundly in the car. When she opened her eyes, she sat up and looked outside. She saw that the streets of the foreign border were really different from what she had imagined.

This place looked like a village on the Russian border, but it should be a village very close to the city. The black off-road vehicle slowly drove along a long street. What surprised Zuo Yue was that when the vendors who were doing business obediently saw the car passing by, they saw the model and license plate number. Almost everyone put down the things in their hands in an instant and walked out of their stalls to pay tribute to the car.

Somehow, Zuo Yue had a feeling that Xu Chengfeng was like an emperor in this place, respected by everyone.

She turned to look at Xu Chengfeng and saw that he was also looking outside, but he had no intention of getting out of the car. There was no extra emotion in his calm gaze.