Asking the Moon on the Wind (271)

"It's true, Miss Sun. I'm not joking." Mother Wang sighed. "Mr. Xu really left. Madam won't lie. I just took a look and Mr. Xu's car seems to have left. He came in a hurry and left in a hurry. It seems that he only wanted to send you back personally.""

"Impossible!" Zuo Yue suddenly took a step back." It's impossible for him to leave. He just returned to America yesterday. He clearly said that he would personally send me back to Los Angeles…"

"Mr. Xu did send you back personally…"

"No! No, he came back with me. He came back to explain things to my parents. How could he leave?"Zuo Yue thought that Wang Ma was coaxing and scaring her like when she was a child, so she pushed open the door and ran out quickly.

"Miss Sun!"