Asking the Moon on the Wind (274)

They lost contact for another week. Zuo Yue also locked herself in her bedroom in the Zuo family and did not go out for a week.

As time dragged on, she was afraid that she did not know much about pregnancy. She was not even sure how many months it would take for her stomach to get bigger.

According to the results of her previous check-up at the hospital, her belly should be about one and a half months old now, but why was it still flat and not showing any signs of swelling? She went online to check and found that some people would show their pregnancy in two months, while others would only show their pregnancy in three or four months. She was only relieved when she saw that there would not be any signs of pregnancy on the surface after one and a half months.

However, if she continued to drag it out like this, if her stomach grew bigger and bigger after half a month, her parents would probably find out very soon.