Asking the Moon on the Wind (277)

Zuo Yue had just finished showering. The moment she wrapped herself in the towel, she did not know if it was because the steam in the bathroom was too hot, but for some reason, her vision turned black. A wave of nausea invaded her, and she had no choice but to lean over and retch.

He hadn't been eating much recently, and eight out of ten times he vomited, nothing came out. It was true retching, and it was the same now. It was disgusting, but he couldn't vomit anything.

She was feeling uncomfortable. After vomiting twice, she lifted her still wet hair and suddenly heard the sound of the bathroom door being pulled open.

Startled, she looked up and met Xu Yuan's gaze. She staggered and quickly leaned back against the wall."Mom…?"

Xu Yuan stared at her for a long time before she slowly raised her hand and raised the medicine box in her hand.