Married a Ghost King, Subdue the Ghosts (B)

But as I was being absent minded, i noticed that there seemed to be movement in the room.

I opened my eyes and straightened my body on the bed, quickly glancing around.

I didn't know when I had fallen asleep, or how long I had slept. But now, in the darkness, there was a black silhouette standing in front of the bed, only half a meter away from me, staring at me. My heart started beating as fast as a drum.

The shadow stood in front of the bed for a long time, but I didn't dare to move; in fact, I couldn't move. My whole body had become as stiff as stick of lead. Cold sweat drenched the red gown as I felt it slide down my body, even my ears were wet and cold.

I felt like I was lying in a big house of ice, and the cold surrounded and invaded my body from every direction.

"What a beautiful eye!"

A low male voice sounded in the darkness. It was husky, bringing a sense of masculinity.

Was it a human or a ghost?


A ghostly blue flame appeared.

I fixed my eyes on it. It was actually a flame hovering on the hand of the person that stood in front of my bed.

The ghostly fire illuminated the man's appearance. He wore a black suit with one hand behind his back; his face was fair and cold brows were as sharp as ice.

He looked at me without blinking his eyes.

I swallowed and looked at the ghost fire in his hand and immediately realized that this guy could not be human.

"You are my little bride ... Ji Sixi?" He said again.

I was completely stunned, staring at him with frightened eyes. From his words, I knew that this was Ming Si who was engaged with me.

He stood still; it seemed like he had been standing here for a long time before I woke up. The situation developed into a stalemate, and after a while I felt that he was harmless, and I was secretly relieved. I sat up carefully, opened my mouth, "Are you my elder brother Ming Si?"

I could feel my voice shaking.

He had a hook on the corner of his lips with a faint smile and narrowed eyes. He murmured back the words I just said, "Ming Si... Elder Brother?" He seemed to think that this title was ridiculous. He laughed, and it was thunderous. I was scared into retreating and shrunk back to the corner of the bed.

He held back his smile, sat down on the side of the bed and gazed at me for a while.

Finally, he slowly said, "Come here."

The voice was cold with a tone that shot down any option of refusal.

I was afraid but also respected him, so I could only crawl up in front of him.

He took off the silver-gray skull ring on his right hand, lifted up his narrow eyes and looked at me, saying, "Hand! Give me your hand."

I stretched out my right hand obediently, and he stared at me, seemingly smiling, "The other."

I obediently stretched out my left hand as well and raised both hands in front of him. He smiled deeply but I didn't know why he smiled. He didn't say much but he gently held my left hand and put the skull ring on my finger.

His hands were cold without even a sliver of heat. When he touched my skin, it felt like I was touching a piece of ice, making me shiver. 

He smiled again, reached out and pinched my face. Under his eyes, I felt as though he wanted to spoil and pamper me.

"Since you're at a young age, I will protect your virginity. At the age of eighteen, we will perform the last marriage ritual," he said.

After, he helped me to lie down, and I let him move me as if I was a dead body.

He sneered when I leaned over and gently imprinted a kiss on my forehead, startling me. When he put his face near mine, I instinctively closed my eyes because I didn't know what he wanted to do. When I opened my eyes again, the room was already dark.

Ming Si was gone.

For a long time after that, my heart was still beating furiously, shocked at what had just happened.

However, as I touched my left hand, the ring was still there.

In other words, everything that happened just then was true!

Throughout the whole night, my eyes were wide open and I just listened to the sound of my heart thumping, daring not to sleep. It was only until the first rays of light penetrated through the window did my tight nerves start to relax, and I fell asleep duly as my eyes closed shut.