Ghostly Fire in the Cemetery (B)

As a matter of fact, I was a 10-year-old girl at that time. Even if I was born with a different pupil, I would still be afraid of ghosts! Hearing the word 'ghost' made my hair stand, and yet they wanted to push me into the cemetery. Weren't they trying to kill me?

I couldn't bear it and almost broke into a fight with the three brats. However, no matter what I did, I was no match for the three of them, so I was eventually forced to the cemetery.

It was already completely dark. The whole cemetery was silent, filled with a cold and murderous air.

Chubby Boy gave me a hard push. As soon as I fell to the ground, I felt something hard and rough in my hand. The texture was rough, like a brick.

I tried to get up, but before I got a foothold, Chubby Boy grabbed me by my ponytail and gave me an order, "We will wait for you here. You go inside."

"I will not go. If you do this again, I will tell your mother tomorrow."

Chubby Boy smiled for a long time with his neck raised, "You dare to threaten me even now. Fine, I will let Silly Er go if you don't go," As he said that, he turned to Silly Er and said, "Go over there." Chubby Boy pointed to the dark depths of the cemetery.

Silly Er shivered tremblingly as he shook his head in protest.

Chubby Boy spat on the ground and instructed Lin Xiao and Zi Yang, "The two of you beat him up until he goes in."

The two acted in accordance; they immediately kicked and punched Silly Er.

I pulled Chubby Boy's ear with my hand and started to wrestled with him. He grabbed my hair without letting go, causing my scalp to burn. We both rolled to the ground, but he was fat, and I couldn't get up as he held me on the ground.

"You're a terrible person," He laughed when I scolded him.

"I'm terrible, so what? Silly Er will act obediently and go into the cemetery in a while. Can you be rest assured when he goes in by himself like a fool?"

I glared at him as I gritted my teeth. I couldn't figure out how he got such a malicious idea when he was a little brat. He just bullied others all day around. The timid children in the village would be terrified whenever they saw him.

But I was never afraid of him!

Silly Er rolled to the ground and shrunk into a ball. He screamed as Lin Xiao and Zi Yang continuously beaten him up.

I sighed and yelled at Chubby Boy, "Don't fight, let me go," Lin Xiao and Zi Yang stopped.

Silly Er got up and ran. In the blink of an eye, he ran away out of sight.

The waning moon hung high up in the sky; the moonlight was blue and grayish, reflecting off the ground. However, this cemetery still appeared very gloomy.

I picked up the brick I touched when I fell, and wanted to smash Chubby Boy's head. I thought about it- if I accidentally killed him, I would have to die.

"Go! On the way, look for Silly Er. Don't let that fool run around. I'm not responsible for losing him. It's your mission to find him. If you can't find it, I will put the blame on you." Chubby Boy pointed at my nose in irritation.

If I were not disgusted by his hand that just touched the mud on the ground for a long time, I would have definitely bitten it off.

He gave me a mini flashlight, pushed me hard, and motioned me to move forward. Then, he squatted down with Lin Xiao and Zi Yang.

I switched on the flashlight and shone the path ahead of me. Tombs were everywhere. They somehow looked like big buns.

I shone at my feet. There were a few pieces of joss papers. I quickly moved my feet away and walked forward carefully.

I walked slowly and my eyes were scanned around me erratically. I just wanted to find Silly Er, and then I would run back to the village with Silly Er. The ghostly fire had nothing to do with me. If my aunt knew that I had come to such a place at night, she would be worried.

I didn't dare take off the blindfold on my left-eye. I was afraid to see what I shouldn't see, but even if I couldn't see it, I could feel the surroundings getting colder and colder. All my hair stood up one by one.

I took a detour between the tombs and chose the flatest area as my path. At every few steps, I would see a few pieces of joss paper.