Possessed Silly Er

I didn't know when I had fallen asleep, but when I woke up, the sun had alreadyrisen.

My aunt was not at home, but there were dishes still left on the table

After washing up and taking a few quick bites, I left the house in a hurry.

I wanted to see if Silly Er was okay. As I ran to Siller Er's house, I never slowed down once, but while I was running, the blurred scene of Ming Si's kiss flashed through my mind.

The cold and soft sensation of his lips at that time seemed to still stay on my lips. My brain was restless and filled with wild ideas popping out here and there.

To make it worse, it was the afternoon during summer vacation. It felt as though I was inside a big dim sum steamer, making me even more restless.

Before I reached Silly Er's house, I was already drenched with sweat.

"Ghostly Sixi!"

The voice of Chubby Boy came from behind me.

I stopped and turned around out of reflex. Behind me, I saw Chubby Boy running toward me slowly with his fat jiggling up and down. He struggled terribly to even just jog as his two legs were bloated so bad they looked like they belonged to a baby elephant. Every step he took seemed to be really challenging.

But I was not in a rush so I just stood there.

When Chubby Boy finally reached me he bent down, leaning on his knees as he took a long time to catch his breath.

"What did you just call me?" I glared at him and asked coldly.

He raised his head, touched the back of his head, and smiled at me embarrassedly, explaining, "Aren't you married to a ghost? Of course, you're Gui (Ghost) Sixi."

"Go away. Don't talk to me anymore."

No good words could be expected from a scoundrel.

As I turned around andstarted to leave, Chubby Boy's sweaty hand caught me, it was hot and clammy.

I flung his hand away in disgust. Chubby Boy asked anxiously, "Are you going to find Silly Er?"

"What does it have to do with you?"

If it weren't for him yesterday, would I have been trapped in the cemetery and seen those horrible entities? Would Silly Er be possessed? Even though I was not sure whether Silly Er is possessed, Ming Si also said last night that Silly Er was indeed possessed by ghosts.

Even if I didn't believe in my feelings, I should still believe in Ming Si!

It was Chubby Boy that did all this.

"You listen to me. Silly Er is not stupid anymore. Many people in the village are now drinking at the village chief's house. The village chief hosted a banquet in the courtyard and announced to the whole village that his stupid son is not stupid anymore."

I was slightly shocked, but I believed Chubby Boy's words were true.

I didn't speak and speeded up my pace toward the village chief's house.

Chubby Boy followed, and the fat on him jiggled up and down along with his rapid pace, looking really amusing.

"Hey, what did you see in the cemetery yesterday? What crazy things?" He asked me.

I glanced at him and ignored him, "What do you mean?"

"You were running and hiding at the time, and you even fell down to the ground. You were crazy at that time as if something was chasing you," At this point, Chubby Boy shuddered and muttered, "Oh right, you can see ghosts."

"Do you really believe it?"

"Why won't I believe it? Your eyes are different from ours. You also have an evil vibe to you. The people who die every year in the village are because of you."

I glared at him fiercely with a tingling sensation on my hand, wanting to slap him.

One person died in the village every year. This would always be the deepest scar in my heart. Since young, I was criticized and ignored by many people in the village. But ever since I went through with the necrogamy, the villagers stopped criticizing me but Chubby Boy still mentioned it.

However, after calmly thinking for a while, I doubted whether Chubby Boy could still even see me last night despite the thick fog in the cemetery. I couldn't see him at all at that time.

I asked him, yet Chubby Boy looked at me confused, "There was no fog. I could see your every move clearly."

His words gave me goosebumps.

Things were too odd and at that point, I knew that I was really blessed for reaching home safely. I had to just forget about the fog then.

We arrived at Silly Er's house and could hear bustling chatter even before entering the yard. The village chief's voice was the loudest.

"My village folks, I am so happy today. Silly Er was born with an umbilical cord choking his neck, and he became like this now. All of a sudden, he is not stupid anymore. This is really God's blessing... "

He was still speaking, and it would most likely going to just become a long speech.

I walked into the courtyard that was full of people. There were about a dozen large round tables in the courtyard. Many people in the village had come. The village chief stood in the middle of the yard with his face flushed; he repeated everything with a smile, about how smart his son became overnight and how shocking it was.

I could not see even a shadow of Silly Er's silhouette in the year, so while the attention of the adults was on the village chief, I slipped into the house along with Chubby Boy.

There was no one in the living room but there were loud bangs coming from the west cabin, like gunshots, but the volume was quite soft.

I slowly moved my way to the west cabin and carefully pushed the door open until there was a thin gap. I found Silly Er sitting at the computer desk playing games. He had his back facing the door. The sound I had been hearing seemingly came from the computer.

Silly Er's brothers and sisters were all studying in the county. They were all students who lived in the dormitory and would only go home once every two weeks. So the computer in this house was basically a decoration. This was apparent by the thin layer of dust on the table and on the surface of the computer.

A fool like Silly Er wouldn't normally be able to use such a high-tech computer.

It was only the year 2000, so computers were not common in the village; there was only one in the village chief's house. Worse still, it was still an old-fashioned computer.

I looked back at Chubby Boy and gave him a signal, making him stay guard at the door. However, he glared back at me and said, "I want to go in too. I have to see if he really is stupid or fake stupid."

"Of course he is stupid. He is Silly Er!" I became anxious.

I wanted to go in and exorcise the ghost possessing Silly Er with the ring on my hand. With that, the ghost could not harm Silly Er. But, Chubby Boy didn't want to listen and follow in.

"You need to stay watch. What if someone comes in?"

Chubby Boy wondered, "What's wrong? It's not like we've never been here before. The village chief is a kind person. We're just visiting Silly Ey. He can't just shoo us away right?"


What he said mad sense. I couldn't argue with that.

Since I couldn't stop him, I agreed to go in together.

When I turned around and was about to reach out to push the door, I realized that Silly Er, who had been sitting at the computer desk, had reached the door unbeknownst to me.

He stuck his face right in front of the gap, and peered at us with slanted eyes.

I felt my heart tremble fiercely and almost screamed out loud.

Chubby Boy was also taken aback by Silly Er. His entire face had turned white.

Silly Er neither opened the door nor moved. He just looked at us coldly with his gaze.

After a long time, he spoke, "What are you doing here?" His voice was monotonous and cold.

I swallowed my saliva. Before I managed to open my mouth, Chubby Boy already spoke, "I heard that you are no longer stupid. We just wanted to confirm whether it was true."

I looked at Chubby Boy in disbelief. This guy didn't know that Silly Er was possessed by a ghost, but his courage was really awesome. If he were to use his pig brain to think about it, Silly Er was reborn when he was dragged into the cemetery at night. Chubby Boy really had a rusty brain.

I took a step back subconsciously.

Silly Er still showed no expression on his face. He opened the door and said coldly, "Come in."

After he finished speaking, he sat back at the computer and continued to play games.

Chubby Boy frowned at me and whispered, "This fool really is not stupid, and his speech has become more fluent."


I didn't know whether Chubby Boy would pee his pants after knowing that Silly Er was possessed by a ghost. But, I was afraid if I told him, me exorcising Silly Er would also be made known, so I held it in and did not mention anything.