Earnenstly Wish to Live Longer

My heart chilled as I imagined the scene of my body on the ground, head cracked with my brains spilling out on the floor.

I closed my eyes and resigned myself to my fate.

The whistling wind in my ear was like the summon of death. I gritted my teeth and felt myself accelerating as my body got closer and closer to the ground.

I was about to fall to the ground soon. However, at that moment, a pair of cold hands firmly caught me.

Immediately afterward, my body rose again at a speed that was several times faster than my speed of falling.

Feeling a wave of dizziness, I subconsciously grasped onto the person who hugged me.

A cold touch. A solid chest. A pair of cold black eyes under the frowning brows.

It's Ming Si!

What a time for him to show up.

My head would have exploded if he had appeared even one second later.

I clasped his neck tightly and buried my head deep into his chest. This incomparable shock had made me completely collapse.

Ming Si jumped from the ground to the rooftop at high speed.

He landed steadily.

The wind stopped whistling in my ear. His indifferent voice came from above my head.

"I was only away for a few minutes, and you wanted to attempt suicide."


I didn't want to attempt suicide. It was Xu Zixi who got me within an inch of my life.

He put me down. As soon as I stepped on the ground with my feet, my legs trembled until I almost fell to my knees. He hugged me and his brows frowned deeper.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

I nodded, grabbed his arm, and forcibly stood.

He looked gloomily at Xu Zixi, who was standing by the fence. His thin lips opened slightly and uttered, "It looks like some troubles are inevitable."

He released his hold upon me and walked neither too fast nor too slow towards Xu Zixi.

Xu Zixi stood by the fence and could not make any movements with ghost subduing talismans pasted on her face.

I didn't know what Ming Si was going to do, but he raised his right hand and snapped his fingers. A silver fan glittered coldly in his hand. The whole fan was shining with silver light. There were unrecognizable characters and patterns that made it look like a delicate antique. The fan blades were as thin as paper, but they also looked sharper than a knife.

He grabbed the silver fan and slashed the fan directly at Xu Zixi's neck.

"No!" I shouted.

I told Xu Zixi that I knew a powerful master who could help release her soul from purgatory. But I was also afraid that Ming Si would also get into trouble if he killed her like this.

I still remembered what Lu Xi told me. Ming Si and Hell King were incompatible with each other. He was never a nosy person. How could I let him get into trouble because of me?

Ming Si stiffened, and his hand holding the fan stopped.

The sharp fan was only about a centimeter away from Xu Zixi's neck. If it weren't for her shout, she probably would have already been beheaded and turned to ashes.

He looked at me coldly, "What do you mean?"

"Let Shang Yi release her soul from purgatory."

"Release her soul from purgatory?"

He smiled faintly, "So, you have enough money to ask Shang Yi to release her soul from purgatory?"


Uh, indeed, I didn't have money, but I couldn't watch Xu Zixi's soul be crushed by him. I truly believed that Shang Yi could release Xu Zixi's soul from purgatory. However, Shang Yi was a person who opened his eyes wide whenever he saw money, it was possible that he would rob me blind.

I didn't have any money...

"Look at your expression. You are just a poverty-stricken fellow."

There was a glint of ruthlessness in his eyes. He was going to draw the silver fan in his hand toward Xu Zixi in the next second, so I hurriedly said, "I have a way for him to do that, so don't kill her."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded heavily.

He stretched his brows slightly and loosened his hand that held the silver fan. The silver fan turned into a cloud of white smoke and slowly dissipated until it completely disappeared..

I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the class teacher, several teachers, and a large group of students rushed in. They gathered on the rooftop a few meters away from me.

The class teacher yelled at me in panic, "Sixi, don't take things too hard. We can solve any problems slowly."

I was speechless.

I never thought about it... That person would never be me even if someone else thought of suicide. I earnestly wish to live throughout the ages. How would I commit suicide?

Maybe it was because I was standing quite close to the safety fence that they all thought I would do something stupid. But it wasn't like I could explain it to them clearly what happened in the classroom today. What should I say if the class teacher asked?

I had to go all the way and pretend to be suicidal. I ran to the fence, grabbed the fence and lifted my leg to jump.

The students screamed.

The class teacher rushed forward a few steps, and persuaded me with good words, "Sixi, don't do stupid things, you can come to me no matter what difficulties you encounter..."

I stopped. I grabbed the fence and looked down at the ground. It was so high!

I shrank back, lest I accidentally fell.

The class teacher was still there to persuade me, but she still didn't take any step forward.

I was a little anxious.

Come and save me if you want to save me. What are you waiting for? Do you still want to continue your afternoon class?

"I wouldn't have died if there were so many people helping me at that time," Xu Zixi suddenly sighed.

I turned my head to look at her. The wind blew the yellow talisman on her face slowly. I vaguely saw a smile of relief on her lips.

The class teacher and a few teachers suddenly rushed up to grab me and dragged me off the fence, taking the chance seeing as I was distracted.

All the classmates also rushed up and surrounded me airtight.

I saw Su Rui desperately squeezing into the crowd. He rushed to me and asked anxiously, "Sixi, are you okay?"

I nodded blankly. Then I heard the class teacher exclaim while staring at my knee, "Your leg is bleeding."

I lowered my head and saw that my knees were seriously scratched with a large piece of skin bleeding.

I must have been accidently injured me when they dragged me off the fence.

Su Rui pulled me by the arm and lifted me up before I could say anything.

"Teacher, I will send her to the school doctor."

The class teacher stood up and said, "Okay, I'll go with you," She stopped, and didn't forgot to urge the classmates who came as onlookers, "You all go back to the classroom to review lessons."

Su Rui trotted all the way with me on his back. I turned my head and looked at Ming Si. He stood beside Xu Zixi, looking at me indifferently with his hands behind his back. He stood straight like a proud general with a great aura of power.

It was until Su Rui ran into the stairway with me on his back that I turned back my head as Ming Si was no longer visible.

On the way, I felt Su Rui was getting short of breath, gasping for each breath.

He didn't need to be so nervous as I plainly just had my knee scratched. However, he ran like I was seriously ill until he became soaked with sweat.

The class teacher had been running in high heels and was left far behind Su Rui.

"Slow down, watch the steps," Her voice sounded behind us.

Su Rui did not reply and still kept his pace, running speedily.

We left the teaching building without much effort.

Su Rui's speed was a little slower than before. He looked strenuous and tired making me feel a little bit sorry for him. I patted his shoulder and said to him, "I can walk by myself. Put me down."

"It's okay."