My Business is to See You

Friday came a few days later.

Teacher Four Eyes took two minutes from our first Chinese class in the morning to announce that a volunteer medical team from the central hospital would come to our school to do a free blood test for first-year students. I was excited when I heard the news.

I looked at Cheng Fengfeng. She happened to be looking at me too, and she wiggled her eyebrows at me, which at that time, seemed very funny.

She amused me so badly that I couldn't help but laugh. It was a coincidence that Teacher Four Eyes happened to finish speaking, and my laughter seemed unusually abrupt in the quiet classroom.

Everyone looked back at me in unison, and Teacher Four Eyes stared at me fiercely.

"Student Sixi, what kind of bad ideas are you thinking of?" He asked me in a fierce tone.

I stopped and replied solemnly, "Teacher, I do not have any bad ideas."

"Everyone is listening to me quietly. Which dimension did your brain fly to?"

"...It didn't fly. My brain is still in the classroom."

My words caused a roar of laughter in the classroom.

Teacher Four Eyes was so angry that his face turned sullen. He pointed to the door and shouted at me, "Go out and stand by the wall."


He started showing off his powers so early in the morning. I guess today won't go well.

I walked out of the classroom, dejected. I stood lazily against the wall and looked around the hallway.

"That teacher, no matter how I look at him, I think he is an eyesore," A cold voice sounded.

I murmured in response, "En, I see him as an eyesore too."

My voice fell, and I was taken aback. I looked at the source of the voice and found out Ming Si had been standing beside me at some point. He leaned against the wall with his hands behind his back, his deep eyes staring at me, and the corners of his lips were curved charmingly.

I looked at him, stunned. I reacted and immediately moved aside subconsciously to put a certain distance between us.

"How do you come and go without a trace?" I muttered.

He laughed, "I came to meet you during my break, can't you be a bit more enthusiastic to see me?"


Enthusiastic? He comes whenever he likes and leaves when he wants to like a ghost… Erm, he seems to be a ghost.

I glanced at him and reminded him, "There is official business today, don't cause any trouble."

"Isn't it just drawing blood?"

He had found out about it again.

It was like he had Qianliyan [1] and Shunfeng'er [2] on his side. Why can't I hide anything from him?

I stared at him suspiciously, and couldn't help but ask, "Did you place a spy around me?"

He snorted and nodded solemnly, "Yes, I have an informant."


"You want to know?"

I nodded, but he brought his face closer and said, "Kiss me, and I'll tell you."


He's so annoying! So annoying! So annoying...!

I didn't know he was so shameless!

"No," I turned my face away, thinking he was going to give up, but he leaned in and landed a kiss on my cheek.

The coldness made my scalp go numb.

"If you are not going to kiss me, I will kiss you."

He smiled charmingly and put a strand of my loose hair behind my ear. He pressed his thin lips to my ear and whispered softly, "Next time, I hope you can be more enthusiastic."

His breath landed on my cheeks. I shivered suddenly, feeling chills go down my back.

I took a step away reflexively. His movements became stiff, and his tone was bland, "You dare to escape?"

"No… I'm not escaping."

He pinched my chin hard as soon as my words fell and started kissing me next.

He was usually cold and indifferent, so I didn't know he would kiss so aggressively.

I could hardly breathe, and my brain started swirling as I ran out of oxygen.

He took me into his arms for just a minute, but time passed by so slowly it felt like a century had passed.

He finally released me. I gasped the moment his lips moved away, and my face flushed immediately.

"Erm, that… Elder brother, you have a busy schedule, and you are a busy man. Now that you have seen me, you should go back quickly and not delay any important business."

I didn't dare to look into his eyes. To be precise, I was ashamed to look into his eyes.

He smiled deeply, and said calmly, "At this moment, my business is to see you."

"You've already seen me, so you can go off now! I'm being punished now. If the teacher finds out I was restless when undergoing a punishment, I would become miserable."

"But I haven't seen enough of you."


He's someone that's normally aggressive, and yet he wants to be so lovey-dovey now?

Does he want me to not to be able to face him forever?

I pushed him hard, "Go away."

"Why you don't like to see me?"

"It's not... I... Go away."

I lowered my head and pushed him hard with my hands. At that moment, I could only see my stiff legs.

"It's rare for us to meet, and you want me to go?"

"That's not it. I'm being punished right now, so don't cause any trouble."

He was so troubled by me that he finally compromised.

"Okay, I'll go."

"Go. Faster go," I urged.

My hands were initially still pushing him, but the moment I finished speaking, my body came into contact mid-air. I almost fell, and I staggered a few steps to stabilize myself finally. The corridor was empty when I raised my head. Ming Si was gone.

I let out a big sigh of relief, stood back to the wall obediently, and secretly prayed that Ming Si would not suddenly show up again.

I didn't know how long I had been standing there. The door of the classroom suddenly opened. I heard footsteps coming out, and I immediately stood up straight.

Undoubtedly, the person who came out of the classroom was Teacher Four Eye, and he walked toward me without any rush. His furious stare at me made me restless. I was considered a good kid these few days in his class and didn't let him pick on me for anything, but today…

Sigh, just thinking about it is making me stifled. Why didn't I hold in my laughter after seeing Cheng Fengfeng's face?

I should have held myself in.

It's all Cheng Fengfeng's fault. Why did she have wiggle her eyebrows? She really brought disaster on me.