Yin Blood

It was half a sink of blood!

If this was not enough, where else could we find the blood of a sixteen-year-old girl?

Besides, Teacher Wu had already returned the favor, so I couldn't ask him to help me again.

Cheng Fengfeng's body had been in a terrible condition recently, and we couldn't draw her blood anymore. After thinking about it a little longer, I opened the bathroom door, and walked out. Teacher Wu was sitting on the sofa outside while drinking coffee. I called him, and he looked at me lightly.

"Was it successful?"

"Almost, but we need a bit more blood. I want to draw my blood."

He was a little surprised. He placed the coffee cup on the coffee table, got up, and went to the cupboard to find tools to draw blood.

Cheng Fengfeng poked her head out of the bathroom after hearing what I said and looked at me gratefully.

"Sixi, I love you so much. Don't worry, after you finish drawing blood, I will buy you delicious food, and I will make up for the blood that flowed out from your body."

I smiled.

Teacher Wu took out the needle for drawing blood, and the thick needle made me tremble in shock.

"How much to draw?" He asked me.

I was a little bit timid and wanted to ask if I could omit drawing blood, but I was the one who took the initiative to say I would use my blood. I couldn't retreat just because I was afraid of the thick needle.

I smiled awkwardly, and asked carefully how much was the maximum amount to draw. He said 400CC, and I agreed to it.

I sat down on the sofa. Teacher Wu put my arm on the armrest of the sofa lightly, rubbed my arm with an alcohol swab, and I was ready for the needle.

I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth.

Growing up, this was my first time having my blood drawn. I was unsure if I had a phobia of needles, but my back started to sweat after I saw the needle.

"Relax. It's okay," Teacher Wu's gentle voice sounded.

I nodded. I squinted my eyes to prepare myself and caught a glimpse of the big and thick needle as it pierced into my flesh.

There was a tingling pain. I felt my body go weak, and I collapsed entirely on the sofa.

I seemed to have fallen asleep for a while. When I awoke, I was lying down on the sofa, and the blood had been completely drawn.

Teacher Wu came out of the bathroom. He saw me sit up and went to the water dispenser to get me a hot water cup.

"Drink plenty of water these two days, don't do any vigorous exercise and have a nutritious diet."

I nodded my head and asked him how Cheng Fengfeng was.

He said, "I gave her the blood. She's in the bathroom."

I got up and wanted to see her, but Teacher Wu stepped forward and held me down.

"You take a longer rest. You have drawn so much blood, don't be in a hurry to move."

I sat resignedly and sipped on the water he gave me.

Cheng Fengfeng opened the bathroom door about five or six minutes later. She rushed out loudly and held the jade bracelet in her hand with an overjoyed expression.

"Sixi, I took it off, I took it off."

She rushed to me and waved the jade bracelet in her hand in front of my eyes.

I smiled wryly. At least she managed to take it off. This matter is finally over.

"Remember to dispose of the bracelet, and don't keep it," I said it out of good intentions.

Cheng Fengfeng stuffed the jade bracelet into her pocket preciously instead and said, "I will not dispose of it. I'll just keep it and not wear it."

"Don't be stupid…"

"It's okay, don't overthink. It can't do anything to me if I'm not wearing it."

I didn't know how to persuade her. Her family spent tens of thousands of yuan to buy the jade bracelet, and it would make people feel bad just to have it disposed of like that.

We rested in the studio for a while. We thanked Teacher Wu and left. We couldn't keep delaying him from getting off from work.

We got in the car at the door. Cheng Fengfeng asked the driver to take me home first, and I didn't refuse.

The impact left on mybody was not small, having to draw so much blood at one time. I would have to replenish my nutrients during the next few months.


The car ran smoothly on the broad highway.

The atmosphere in the car was dull. Cheng Fengfeng took out the jade bracelet from her pocket, observed it, and murmured to me, "This bracelet is so beautiful I didn't expect it to be so evil."


I suddenly remembered that there was a ghost subduing talisman in my blindfold. I took out the blindfold from my bag and gave the ghost subduing talisman inside to Cheng Fengfeng just incase.

"Take this. You should keep it on your body just to be safe."

She looked at the talisman curiously, gave me a thumbs-up, and said with a boisterous smile, "I just have to say that you are amazing. You actually have this kind of thing on you."

I didn't answer and leaned tiredly against the back seat.

It was seven o'clock in the evening when I got home, and the sky was already dark.

Aunty walked around the yard, uneasily. I guessed that she had become too anxious waiting for me.

The car stopped at the village entrance without entering, so I had to walk back on foot and was sweating all over. As expected, my body has become weak after drawing so much blood at once.

Aunty saw me from a distance and quickly walked up to me. Her nervous expression relaxed a little.

"Why did you come back so late? I couldn't contact you through your phone too."

"I think my phone is out of battery."

The two of us entered the room, and there was a sumptuous feast spread out on the table.

My aunty would prepare a meal with all my favorite dishes on a large scale every week when I went back home.

I sat down at the table, and my aunty saw that my face did not look good. She found a blue-black on my left arm and asked, "What happened to your arm?"

She leaned over, staring at my arm and was shocked, "Why is there a needle prick? Did you draw blood?"

"To save a classmate…"

She was anxious, "You stupid kid, how can you donate blood? Your body already easily attracts yin, why are you not taking your body seriously? Do you know how many scary entities you attract when your body is weak?"


Her words frightened me.

After that, I told her about the jade bracelet and tried to explain that I did it out of resignation, but she became angry with me.

"The blood in your body is the blood of yin. You are helping that ghost!"

I didn't understand, and she continued, "Isn't that ghost suppressed in the blood jade? Your blood directly caused her soul to be released, and I guess she's already free by now. You were helping evil."

I panicked, "Then my classmate, she…"

"She might be in danger."


I couldn't believe that my blood helped that ghost.

Aunty sighed heavily and brought the dishes to the kitchen to heat up.

I hurriedly took out my phone in my pocket and called Cheng Fengfeng. It took a long time for her to pick it up.

"Do not take the talisman away from you these two days, not even for just a while, do you understand?" I warned her urgently. She asked me suspiciously, "Why are you suddenly talking about this?"

"Don't ask so many questions. Bring that talisman everywhere with you, can you remember this?"

She didn't say much and replied that she understood

I was still worried about her. Cheng Fengfeng was a carefree person, but it might scare her if I told her the truth. I reminded her again, and she became a little impatient, "I remember. Why are you so long-winded? This thing has already been resolved, why do you have to keep mentioning it?"