Cheng Fengfeng's Death (B)

I walked into the crowd and heard someone say, "Why would she commit suicide all of a sudden? What a cheerful girl Fengfeng is. This is inexplicable!"

Someone echoed, "Exactly. How could one believe that a girl would suddenly die for no reason."


The hall was in a mess. I couldn't tell who was the host of this house among the chaotic crowd for a moment. The people in the whole room looked like guests.

Suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder. I turned my head. She was a good-looking middle-aged woman. She looked at me indifferently and asked after a while, "Who are you?"

I recognized her voice. It was the woman who spoke with me on the phone in the morning. Cheng Fengfeng and her looked like they were from the one mold when I took a closer look at her.

"Aunty, I am Sixi. A classmate of Cheng Fengfeng."

"Oh, it's you."

"We had a talk on the phone this morning..."

She nodded and said nothing.

I thought for a while and asked her, "Aunty, can I see Cheng Fengfeng?"

Her eyes shadowed with grief. She murmured, "Come with me."

She turned, heading in the direction of the stairs after speaking those few words.

She walked slowly and looked ill.

I followed her and went upstairs slowly.

She stopped at the third door on the right side of the corridor on the third floor. She took a deep breath before she gently pushed the door open. A gust of cold wind flew out the moment the door opened, making me shiver.

She did not enter the room but took a step back. She looked at me and said, "You can go in and see her. There are many mourners downstairs. I have to serve them."

Her tone was faint, her face was tired, and her eyes were bloodshot.

Losing a daughter overnight must have been a terrible shock to her.

"Okay, thank you, aunty."

She did not say another word and left in silence.

I felt suffocated, looking at her staggering back.

I set my mind and stepped into Cheng Fengfeng's room. The curtains in the room were tightly drawn. The room was very dim. The air was damp and cold. It was quiet and suffocating.

Cheng Fengfeng was lying on the big bed in the room with a pale complexion and closed eyes. She was wearing a neat suit that was probably put on by her mother after death. There was a clear and harsh cut mark on her left wrist. The cut mark was still red with blood, slightly exposed.

She was still fine yesterday, but she turned into a cold corpse all of a sudden. My eyes couldn't help being drenched with tears seeing her quietly lying there. I couldn't say a word as if a hard object was stuck in my throat.

I stood in a daze for a long time. Finally, I moved my stiff legs and walked towards Cheng Fengfeng.

I was stunned to find that Cheng Fengfeng was wearing the jade bracelet on her right wrist when I stood in front of the bed.

Wasn't the jade bracelet taken off yesterday? Why is it on her hand again?

I took off my blindfold suspiciously and looked at Cheng Fengfeng on the bed. A woman wearing a red cheongsam was sleeping by her body's side. The woman had a pale green complexion and bright red lips. Her age was not much different from ours. The woman leaned her head on her elbow and stared evilly at Cheng Fengfeng's face.

I took a step back instantly. I was so scared by the woman lying on the bed that I almost screamed.

The woman seemed to be aware that I looked a bit odd. She looked at me in the eyes lazily and smirked at me.

I guessed that she was the female ghost who was suppressed in the jade bracelet.

"Ji Sixi? I was about to go meet you. I didn't expect that you would come here," She said, sneering. Her bright red lips and her pale face looked extremely inconsistent. It was particularly odd.

She was still young. It looked weird seeing her wear a cheongsam and red lipstick.

"Did you kill Cheng Fengfeng?" I forced myself to question her sternly.

She chuckled and sat up slowly.

"She deserved it!"

"You are evil. What right did you have to hurt her?"

I pulled out the ghost subduing talisman from the blindfold and glared at the female ghost warily.

She glanced at the ghost subduing talisman in my hand, and smiled arrogantly.

"Is that all you got to hurt me?"

Her expression fell all of a sudden. She got up quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye. I felt a strong force pushing from behind me. I abruptly fell onto Cheng Fengfeng's body, right on her belly. My hands touched her arms. It was cold as ice, distressing me.


It was Cheng Fengfeng's voice. Her voice came from behind. It should be Cheng Fengfeng's soul.

I quickly got up. Cheng Fengfeng's body also sat up straight at the same time. She opened her eyes and got out of bed stiffly. She stared at me without blinking. Her face was as white as a sheet.

I almost lost my mind. I slowly glanced to the rear right, but I saw Cheng Fengfeng's soul being pushed against the corner by the female ghost in cheongsam. She was shivering in fear with eyes of horror.

"Sixi, I'm so scared..."

I was shocked and went blank.

What's happening now?

Is it possible that Cheng Fengfeng's body is being possessed by the female ghost in cheongsam?

It must be so!

"What do you want to do?"

The female ghost looked at me deadly and said word by word, "I want your death."

She wants my death? What did I do to be in her way? She would have still been suppressed in the blood jade if it wasn't because of me.

I was furious. I quickly took out the Nether Blade of the skull ring and held the ghost subduing talisman in one hand. I was ready to fight her.

A cold arm suddenly pushed against my back and grabbed my throat tightly when I took a step forward. I was terrified. How could I forget that the female ghost was now controlling Cheng Fengfeng's body?

"Sixi!" Cheng Fengfeng yelled at me. She wanted to rush toward me. However, the female ghost got her fingers on Cheng Fengfeng's throat and pushed her against the wall. Cheng Fengfeng couldn't even move.

"I'm fine..." I gritted my teeth and barely spoke through my teeth.

I turned my hand over and pasted the ghost subduing talisman in my hand on the corpse behind me. However, the ghost subduing talisman had no effect on the corpse.

I panicked, desperately tried to calmed myself down, and stabbed the Nether Blade with my left hand into Cheng Fengfeng's corpse's thigh. Obviously, the Nether Blade was also ineffective on the corpse.

Perhaps the female ghost possessed the consciousness of Cheng Fengfeng's corpse, meaning the corpse wouldn't stop if the female ghost weren't restrained.

But, I was being strangled so hard that I couldn't breathe...

"Enough, finish her off!" The female ghost yelled coldly.

The corpse behind me suddenly moved and dragged me closer to the window.

She opened the curtains. The glaring sunlight came in. She then slowly opened the window. Her every movement was stiff and mechanical.

I saw the far-reaching ground outside the window. My heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Does she want to throw me out of the window?

We're on the third floor! I will either be disabled or dead if I drop to the ground.

I don't want to be disabled, let alone die...

"Don't...Sixi. Run!" Cheng Fengfeng's panicked voice sounded.

The desire for survival somehow gave me strength, and I hit the corpse behind me with my elbow. She loosened her arm around my throat, and but still pressed me against the windowsill, trying to throw me out.