
After talking to Min Ah, Nana enters Yuri's room, she also seems upset. "Yuri ...!" called Nana. Yuri immediately looked at Nana. "Mmm Nana what's up?".

"I've heard about taking over the office," Nana said.

"I will try to do my best, before I made a call to Ceo KI Group. But his decision cannot be contested unless we can show that the star magazine is worth keeping", Yuri explained.

Nana was getting annoyed at Yuri's explanation, "You don't need to waste your time. I'll take care of everything, because that jerk's goal isn't that, but he wants revenge on me".

Yuri was shocked by Nana's words. "What do you mean? And who is a jerk?".

"Who else if not Ceo KI Group, he is not only a jerk, more than that he is a bloodthirsty demon, I really hate him, it feels like I want to trample on him, grab his hair, and kick him to Antarctica and also I want to send him to the South Pole so he freezes and befriends a bear and a penguin, damn Kim Lion ...!". Nana replied, squeezing the paper in her hand.

Yuri choked with Nana's cruel words, she did not think Nana could think scary like that, is this the other side of Nana?.

"Oh My Nana, I see you seem to hate him, so what has he done?" Yuri asked with surprise.

"I'll explain later at home, now I want to go to his office," Nana said, turning toward the door.

"What are you going to do there?" Yuri asked when Nana was about to turn around.

"I will kill him" after saying that, Nana continued her footsteps out of Yuri's room.

"Nana don't be mean, I'm afraid you'll fall in love with him ..." Yuri shouted so Nana could hear it clearly.

Nana turned around when she heard Yuri's words which were quite disgusting for her. "That won't be possible".

Hearing Nana's answer, Yuri just sighed, but she began to wonder about what Nana would do when dealing with Lion.

» KI Group Office «

A moment later Nana arrived at Lion's office. Without further thought he went straight to the reception desk.

"Eun Jung, please tell your boss that I Nana wants to meet him!" Nana said.

"Oh Nana. You come again, then wait a moment I will call his assistant" Eun Jung said kindly.

Nana nodded and waited patiently, a moment later Eun Jung said "Nana, please go to the CEO room, she said he was waiting for you".

Nana nodded and immediately headed for Lion's room without hesitation, he was determined to be unyielding for her to retreat.

» Ceo Room «

"Boss. Miss Nana is here," said Hyun Ae.

"It turns out that little girl has the guts to also see me after what she did". Lion said, smiling cynically.

"Maybe it's because she can't bear to see the people closest to her feel depressed because of her actions," explained Hyun Ae.

"It could be" replied Lion.

"Alright then I'll wait for her outside" Hyun Ae turned out the door.

After talking with Hyun Ae, Lion stood by the window, he looked dashing with a tall and slender posture, his perfect looking facial lines added to his handsome, reddish lips were so alluring.

The little diamond in his left ear was really pretty and matched with his white skin glowing in the sun, as well as his beautiful eyes that could make the girls melt every time they saw it and wanted to throw themselves into their wounds, but unfortunately Lion was a person they couldn't touch.

Your little girl chose the wrong opponent so get ready for the hard days that you will soon experience. Lion murmured while clenching his fist.

A moment later Nana arrived in front of the Lion's room.

Nana looked at Hyun Ae who was standing tall in front of the room with a dark expression while saying, "Where's your boss?".

Hyun Ae shuddered to see Nana. Could this time the boss find a balanced opponent or the wrong opponent ?.

"It's inside," Hyun Ae said as she opened the door. "Please enter Miss ...!".

Before entering the room, Nana swallowed deeply remembering what happened yesterday,

Everything will be alright. Nana thought.

Nana tried to gather her courage and without hesitation she stepped into the Lion's room.

When passing through the door, Nana's eyes were immediately presented with an extraordinary view, the perfect creature standing near the window, his handsome face shining in the sun.

For a moment Nana was stunned while muttering. For whatever sake this scenery is beautiful but unfortunately this is just a mask that covers his putridness.

"Welcome snake girl, you dare to come here too!" Lion said sarcastically.

Nana was actually very scared to see Lion's expression, but she kept trying to gather strength to be brave for the sake of friends and work that she liked.

I know that my opponent is strong, but I will never know how strong he is before I use all my strength to fight him. Nana thought.

"Why should I be afraid if I'm not mistaken?" Nana said loudly.

"I see," Lion sat back in his chair and looked at Nana with a deadly look.

"Lion, let go of Star Magazine because your business with me is not them!" Nana went straight to the point of the problem because she didn't want to waste time with Lion.

Hearing Nana's words, Lion stood up again from his seat and approached Nana. Seeing that Nana's fear appeared, she kept backing back until his body was stuck to a wall not far from the door.

"Lion ... W... w. What do you want to do?" Nana asked trembling.