
All the women who saw her looked envious of Zera because she was given a hug and a kiss.

"Lion ... unfortunately you came too" welcomed Mrs. Tresia while hugging a boy who had not seen her for a long time.

Lion smiled and returned his mother's hug. "Yes, Oumma, I'm coming".

Lion glanced at his father who had been watching him not blinking in the slightest, he too took off his mother's arms and walked towards his father. "Appa, are you healthy?".

Mr. Kim smiled "Ha ... ha ... of course your dad is healthy".

Lion was quite relieved to hear his father's answer, and could see the two women he loved so much, Kim's family was very happy tonight. because you can gather again.

"Have you called grandfather?" Lion asked Zera.

"Already please, he even kissed me many times through the cellphone screen, if I did not stop him maybe grandfather will VC until tomorrow with me" explained Zera.

Lion nodded, "Is grandfather healthy?".

"Healthy," Zera answered. After that Zera looked at all the guests who were still clustered in front of the entrance. "You should go into the living room with Oumma and Appa, I will follow after taking care of all my guests".

Lion and his parents immediately nodded obediently and immediately headed for the living room. Zera is trying to bring her guests back to enjoy the party. Even though they are upset, they cannot do anything except follow the host.

» Living room «

"Have you contacted your grandfather?" Asked Mr. Kim after sitting on the couch.

"I'll contact him later" Lion said lazily.

Actually Lion was reluctant to contact his grandfather who kept forcing him to get married.

Hear Lion's answer. Mr. Kim only breathed deeply because he knew very well that Lion and his grandfather's relationship was not good.

While Mrs. Tresia did not say anything about her parents-in-law and children, she instead was busy preparing snacks on the table.

Moments then Nana and Yuri get home, but they have to go through the back door so that no one sees Nana in a wet state.

"I'll get ready first," Nana said before entering her room.

Yuri nodded. "Me too, but don't wait too long Zera's party is over".

"Ok". Nana replied, after that they immediately entered their respective rooms.

After getting ready, Nana and Yuri immediately went out to the backyard where the party was held.

» Backyard «

"Dear Zera, sorry we are late" Nana and Yuri said together.

With a smile breaking Zera said, "It's okay sis, I understand. At first I thought my party tonight would be bad, but thanks to my sister this party feels special, right?".

"Oh ... of course. This is an amazing party, oh yes you said your brother came? Where is he then?" Nana asked, glancing to the left and right.

Nana was really curious about her brother Zera, how could she not, Zera described the figure of her brother who was merciful, gentle and handsome.

"Aahh ... I forgot ..." Zera patted her forehead. "Come on, then I'll introduce to my brother, he is chatting in the living room with Oumma and Appa".

Hear Zera's words. Yuri pulled Nana's arm while whispering. "You should undo your acquaintance with her brother".

"What the hell Yuri. I just want to get to know it," Nana said.

Nana looked excited, with a smile she stepped obediently to follow Zera who took her arm and ignored Yuri's prohibition.

Yuri patted her forehead with an anxious expression while muttering.

Oh god this is a sign of the end. My Nana, why don't you listen to me? Zera's brother is the Lion man you hate.

Being worried Yuri followed Nana and Zera who walked into the living room, while the guests were absorbed in enjoying their food.

"Living room"

In the spacious and luxurious living room, Zera and Nana along with Yuri walked slowly toward their seats, seeing their arrival, Mrs. Tresia immediately stood up and said hello.

"Oohhh ... Oumma's girls have arrived. Nana, come and sit near the aunt boy!" begged Mrs. Tresia.

Yuri continued to wrestle with his thoughts when she saw Lion sitting behind him.

Ahhh, my Nana don't sit there, because it's Lion ... ouch ... world war will start soon at this rate.

Yuri was really worried about Nana's reaction. Mrs. Tresia brought Nana and asked her to sit next to Lion, Lion who was still focused on his cellphone did not realize that there was someone beside her as well as Nana she only looked down obediently when Mrs. Tresia asked her to sit.

Nana sat to the left of Lion while Zera sat next to him right, spoiled Zera began to introduce Lion and Nana, while Yuri who had been watching covered her face.

"Sis, you know, the one sitting next to you is Nana, she's the one who helped me learn so far," said Zera proudly.

"And Nana's sister. This is my sister!" Zera said, glancing at Nana without mentioning Lion's name.

When I heard Nana's name, Lion's gaze lit up, immediately looked to his left, along with Nana, Nana initially smiled shyly but when her beautiful eyes found Lion's face in front of her, she immediately shocked.

Snake girl? isn't she really a snake girl, what is she doing here? Inner Lion.

While Lion looked at her sharply, Nana tried to make her aware that the person in front of her was not Kim Lion. But when she realized that she was not dreaming. Nana was instantly hot and cold and trembling.