Waiter (2)

After finishing feeding Lion. Nana stuck the drink in Lion's mouth, with a sly smile the water in the glass fell and soaked Lion's coat, seeing that Nana was trying to hold her smile.

"Auu ..." Lion was shocked and immediately stood up, his expensive suit wet with water, Lion's expression instantly darkened.

"Sorry, I did not mean it". Nana said while cleaning the water from Lion's suit.

Lion took a deep breath, he growled and roughly lulled Nana's hand from his coat, "Get rid of your dirty hands!".

"Well, then I'll go home now, my job is done right?" Nana said while cleaning.

"Don't hope you can just leave, because your job is still there," Lion said as he took off his jacket and threw it in the trash.

Nana was stunned to see Lion just throwing away his expensive jacket.

Is he that rich? to throw away expensive things so easily? doesn't he know that out there are still many people who lack clothes? Nana thought as she stared disgustedly at Lion.

"What now?" Nana shouted in annoyance. "Sit on the floor obediently, wait for me to finish work and your job is to take me home" Lion said. After that he immediately returned to his seat.

"Don't you already have a driver? Besides, I only brought a motorcycle, do you want to ride a motorcycle?" Nana asked. "Later, Hyun Ae who brought your worn-out motorbike home," said Lion.

Nana really can't believe it, she thought if she went to Korea as a migrant worker or what? all the way to Korea to only be a servant of the arrogant?, Isn't he a graduate of S1 and has a good job in the field of advertising and a good writer in magazines and newspapers? then what happens now? all useless if in fact she was made a lowly servant.

Feeling that she had no choice, Nana sat back on the floor right in front of the guest table, occasionally glancing at Lion cynically, feeling bored waiting, Nana immediately went through her social media right at that moment she received a Vidio call from Dania.

At first Nana was lazy to pick up her phone, then she thought that her weaknesses should not be seen by anyone, like whatever her heartache could not change if Dania was the child of her mother's sister.

After thinking for a long time, Nana glanced at Lion who looked serious, she thought that it would be okay to lift her, Lion would not be disturbed and anyway Lion's seat was quite far from her seat.

"Assalamualiakum Nana"

Seen behind the scenes the face of her aunt who was none other than the mother of Dania, whom she knew was very arrogant. She also saw many people in the house, and her eyes accidentally saw two couples wearing white clothes while holding a baby, Nana's heart immediately felt ache.

"Waalaikumsalam aunt Julia, what's up?"

"Auntie only wants to share happiness with you, today is the day of the aqiqah of Dania and Raka's children. But they are sad because you cannot attend, so I contacted you via Video Call".

"Congratulations aunt has become a grandmother, Nana pray that Dania is always happy with her family".

"Thank you for the prayers, now you can see how happy Dania's small family is, aunty also feels fortunate to have a beautiful and successful daughter, has a newly-in-law and the happiest is to have a beautiful and adorable granddaughter. Like you see if Raka has forgotten you".

"Thank goodness then. Yes already aunt, Nana close greetings with Dania first."

"Why do you have to hurry to close it, what do you do there, you are an ordinary employee. Oh and also do you already have a substitute for Raka? Don't expect Raka again because he will never come back with you, my aunt suggested instead of you become a spinster better you just accept the love Tatang is a handsome driver auntie, he is crazy about you and aunt think you match him .. hehee .. ".

"Thank you for the advice and advice of aunt. God willing, Nana will think, then Assalamualaikum".

Without waiting for an answer greeting, Nana closed the video call. Hearing her aunt's words, Nana's heart somehow felt struck by lightning, there was a sense of pain, her eyes began to redden, especially when she saw Raka and Dania who seemed happy with their children. Arising out of reluctance, Nana thought it should be his, instantly the tears fell on her cheeks.

Oh My God. why does my heart still hurt? my chest is tight, it's been over a year but why can't I let Raka go? oh my God. strengthen Nana! Nana thought.

From a certain place, Lion felt confused seeing Nana's expression was so sad, he also saw Nana wiping her tears roughly.

Why is she crying? Inner Lion.

Nana tries to control her emotions, she doesn't want her precious tears to be a mockery of Lion if she ever sees it.

"Let's go !" Lion stood in front of Nana as he put his hands into his pants pockets. Nana looked up at Lion's poker face. "Where?"

"You will also find out later" after saying that Lion immediately turned around and walked toward the exit, Nana hurried to follow him obediently without much questioning.

Throughout the trip Nana was silent in silence, her face was worn out and her eyes were red.

For some reason Lion felt sorry for her quickly he turned the car in the opposite direction. "As I recall, this is not the way to your house? Where do you want to take me?" Nana asked in surprise. "Wherever it is up to me," said Lion.