Interview (1)

Finished with Nana, Joon immediately entered his room, while Yuri was still watching Lee Joon without blinking.

"Yuri don't keep staring at Joon, it's better now that you go back to your desk ... hehehe" Nana teased.

Yuri felt embarrassed by Nana's taunts, her cheeks turned red and suddenly flustered, after which she turned around.

"Yuri, your table over there is not there" Nana said after that she laughed.

"Haa ... yes, I forgot. Alright My Nana, I'll go to my room first," Yuri said. After that Yuri left Nana's desk, and Nana began to do her work.

When showing at 11 noon, Nana tried to call Jeha to make sure when they could start conducting interviews.

"Hello Jeha, where are you?"

"In front of your office"


"Ha ... ha ... we already agreed to meet at this hour so I'll just pick you up"

"Alright, then I'll be right down"

After that Nana tidied all her belongings and rushed out.

Being in front of the office, Jeha's luxury car really caught the attention. and when he saw Nana coming out he immediately got out of the car.

"Sorry for a long time," Nana said when she was in front of Jeha. Jeha smiled, "It's okay, let's go".

Jeha pressed the lock button in his hand and immediately the car door opened itself, and that surprised Nana again.

"Waoo ... cool," Nana said. "Please get in ...!" Jeha said invited Nana into the car like a driver and boss.

All the women in and out of the office were jealous of Nana, How could Jeha have a casual and cool style of dress. Good-looking, sweet and a fun carrier can make anyone feel comfortable if near him.

After that Jeha's car left Nana's office. But before heading to his office Jeha stopped at one of the famous restaurants in Korea.

"Are we going to do an interview here?" Nana asked in surprise. Jeha smiled without answering Nana's question, instead he invited Nana out of the car and took her into the restaurant.

"What do you want to eat?" Asked Jeha when he was sitting at one of the tables in the restaurant.

"What is the most delicious food here?" Nana asked.

Jeha showed the menu while introducing the food in the restaurant ". Mmm, the best here is Dak Galbi".

Nana looked confused because it was the first time she heard the name of the food, she began to worry if the food was a mixture of pork. "Mmm can you explain me about this food?".

Jeha seemed to narrow his eyes, "It seems you are so careful about food, do you have allergies?"

"Oh no, I just wanted to make sure that the food you mentioned earlier had no pork mix," Nana explained.

"This food is cooked on a round hot plate on the table, the ingredients in it include fried chicken, cabbage, rice cakes, onions, and sweet potatoes, Dak galbi tastes good because of the hot sauce made from red chili paste, soy sauce, and turmeric, all the ingredients are mixed and stirred evenly, the results are really satisfying the tongue and even more delicious if added mozzarella cheese "explained Jeha.

Nana was relieved, but she wanted to be sure once more, "So there's no mixed pig?"

"Are you allergic to eating pork? Even though pork is very delicious ..." said Jeha while playing his tongue. "I'm Muslim," Nana whispered.

Jeha was quite surprised, because all this time he had never thought that Nana was Muslim. Instantly, Nana reminded Jeha of Mayleen's figure.

Not only did the smiles of the girls look alike, but they shared the same belief, only that Mayleen's appearance was more closed than Nana's. Your inner self, looking at Nana meaningfully.

"There is something wrong?" Nana asked in surprise. Jeha immediately smiled and shook his head. "Ahhh it's okay, I just remember a friend who has the same faith with you".

"Really? Can I get to know your friend?" Nana asked eagerly.

Jeha was surprised to hear Nana's question.

Jeha think how did she introduce Mayleen to Nana? whereas he doesn't know where Mayleen is now. The last time he met Mayleen when he graduated from high school, their farewell ended poorly.

"Haha .. yes, if we are still long. Yes, I will order food that suits you." Jeha tried to change the subject so that Nana would not continue the discussion. Sure enough Nana immediately agreed with Jeha's proposal and didn't talk about it anymore.

A moment later their order finally arrived, Nana and Jeha enjoyed a meal together while chatting happily.

At exactly 12:30 they left the restaurant after finishing their food. On the way Nana glanced at Jeha while asking, "Is there a mosque around here?"

Jeha nodded. "There is one that I know of and the mosque is the most historic mosque here"

Nana narrowed her eyes, because Jeha was not Muslim so she was surprised to hear Jeha knew about the mosque in the city of Seol. Is not life is synonymous with discotheque at night and work in the morning.

"Do you really know the place of Muslim worship in Korea?" Nana tried to confirm it. "Yes, do you want me to go there?" Asked Jeha.

Nana nodded excitedly. Nana really wanted to cover about Muslims in Korea, and also places of worship and their gathering places, Nana immediately looked for the camera, after that she looked at Jeha. "I'm very interested, let's go there all the time I want to pray midday there, do you want to take me there?".

"Of course, a privilege for me," said Jeha while showing her charming smile.