
"Don't beat him up because he's not human I don't want you to get hurt!" Nana said while squeezing Jeha's hand.

"Sorry Mr. Lion, I don't have time to wait on you" Jeha nodded in agreement with Nana who tried to prevent it, after that Jeha continued his steps again.

But Lion did not want to give up, he ran to pull Nana out of the embrace of Jeha and brought her to his arms. "She is mine," said Lion.

Jeha was shocked and suddenly her eyes turned wild, while Nana felt she lost energy and pain all over her body due to Lion's tight hug.

Oh my God. I'm not going to Korea for this, I want to find peace and forget the wounds that are so heartbreaking. But why do I have to be in this crazy situation now? Lion I want to scream at you if you have won my heart but seeing you like this makes me doubt my feelings. Jeha, please don't touch him, I don't want you to get hurt. Nana thought.

"Lion let me go!", Nana tried to break free from Lion's embrace using her remaining strength.

"Shut up! You are my future wife so you must go home with me," Lion looked at Nana meaningfully.

Hearing Lion's words, Nana took a deep breath. Her body felt shivering even though she got warmth from Lion's arms.

For a moment Nana felt confused why only near Lion she felt comfortable even she felt something she had never felt when with Raka, there was a sense of pleasure when she heard Lion calling her his future wife.

"Lion let Nana go, you hurt her!" Jeha was still trying to solve the problem by not using muscles.

Lion does not care about what Jeha said, he pushed Nana behind him after that he looked at Jeha. "Let's finish this! Anyone who loses must not get close to Nana"

Jeha was interested in Lion's offer, and in the middle of the night on the edge of the city of Seoul. Jeha clenched his fist and attacked Lion first, Lion smiled bitterly at Jeha. The movements are still the same. Inner Lion.

"Yaaa ... kkk" Jeha tried to give a blow to Lion's face but Lion managed to dodge and brushed away Jeha's hand with one hand.

"It turns out your abilities are still the same as before", Lion grinned towards Jeha. Jeha smile. "You are too arrogant, O cruel ice king".

The cruel ice king was Iion's nickname in high school, while Jeha was famous for the Sun King, hearing Jeha say that Lion felt even more annoyed, now it was Lion's turn to attack Jeha, he continued to punch until Jeha was overwhelmed until finally Lion succeeded in giving a blow to his cheek.

"Ahh .." Jeha fell and he quickly stood up again and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Aaaa ... Jeha ... aa" Nana hysterically watched Jeha fall, Lion glanced annoyed at Nana who looked so concerned about Jeha.

Without giving Jeha time to breathe, Lion quickly attacked Jeha again and is now more vicious than before but Jeha always manages to fend off Lion's attacks.

With a kick kick Jeha managed to hit Lion's stomach, Lion immediately retreated and tried to support his body so as not to fall.

And without mercy too, Jeha attacked Lion quickly while Lion looked unfocused until finally Jeha managed to hit Lion's face and they were now even.

Nana grew furious when she saw two people fighting in front of her, with the remaining strength Nana approached towards the two men who were beating each other.

"Stop it please!" Nana tried to stop them while holding her head that felt dizzy.

Lion and Jeha are getting wilder regardless of Nana, they have lost control because they are both injured.

"Jeha, Lion please stop ...!" Nana used the rest of her strength to shout.

Because she felt ignored Nana getting ahead and tried to stand in the middle of the two of them.

"Yaakkk ..." When Lion moved quickly to hit Jeha, he was suddenly surprised because Nana was standing in front of him.

However, it was too late for Lion to control the blow, finally the blow landed on Nana's cute cheeks. Instantly blood came out of the corner of Nana's mouth, she felt her eyes began to darken and her head dizzy a moment later her body was about to collapse on the sidewalk.

"Nana aaaa ..." Jeha ran trying to support Nana's body, but he was late because Lion immediately caught Nana's body.

"Give Nana to me!" Jeha tried to pull Nana's body from the Lion's arms.

Lion did not care about what Jeha said, he immediately lifted Nana's body and put it in his dented car and the car immediately sped towards Seol Hospital, and Jeha immediately followed from behind.

»Seoul Hospital«

A moment later Lion arrived at one of the hospitals owned by his business partner, Lion immediately took Nana into the emergency room.

"Please examine him quickly!" Lion said in panic.

The nurses felt frightened by Lion's dark expression, they quickly brought Nana into the emergency room. Lion waited anxiously outside, suddenly the sound of his cellphone rang.

"What's wrong Oumma?"

"Honey, is Nana with you? Because she doesn't usually come home at this time, Yuri said she went home first but the cellphone couldn't be reached."

"Yes, she is with me Oumma. Now rest because he will stay at my house".

"Did Nana say that?"


"Alright then, Oumma can calm down now."

After talking to his mother, Lion was surprised by the doctor who examined Nana, Lion immediately turned to the doctor.

"How is my future wife doctor?" Lion asked with a sad expression.