Go Home

"Second," Nana answered, she didn't want her life to be complicated if she had dealt with reporters.

If Lion might be able to calm down because he's used to it and can always leave easily if he doesn't want to answer questions from reporters.

Lion nodded and asked one of his aides to take Nana home.

Sure enough reporters were waiting for Lion's arrival at the entrance and they quickly ran to block Lion's path by throwing lots of questions.

"There is news circulating that if Mr. Lion goes to Germany to take a vacation with your future wife, is that true?"

"Yesterday there was a picture of Mr. Lion with a woman who had spread but not long after that the picture disappeared from the search, did you intentionally do it to hide the woman's identity?"

"When you attended the auction with the German president, reportedly you also involved your future wife, is that true?"

The truth is, after the dinner at the same time the auction in Germany, Lion immediately ordered Hyun Ae to delete all information including photos and videos uploaded by several people at the event, it was all because Lion did not want his relationship with Nana that was not clearly exposed by media.

"I don't have an answer to your questions, now I have to go to the office immediately," Lion said sarcastically.

Seeing Lion's gaze, all the reporters immediately backed away and opened the way for Lion, after which he and his bodyguards rushed into the car.

"Where is Nana?", Asked Jeha when he saw Lion go home alone.

Feeling something was wrong, Jeha immediately took his coat and rushed to leave his office.

»Kim's Family Home«

A moment later Jeha reached the front of the Kim family's house, waited a long time and finally he could see Nana getting out of one of the cars with Lion's bodyguards.

"Nana," Lion said, watching her from inside his car.

Nana showed her respect and thanked the guards, after that she went straight into Kim's family's house.

Jeha was relieved to see Nana go home healthy and safely arrived home, but he did not dare to see Nana, so he immediately left the Kim family's residence.

After that Nana dragged the suitcase to the room, but stopped when she heard Mrs. Tresia's voice.

"Welcome back dear!", Mrs. Tresia, who had been told by Lion about Nana's return, so Mrs. Tresia immediately welcomed Nanan warmly.

Nana smiled at the woman who loved her like her own mother, she immediately approached and kissed the back of Mrs. Tresia's hand.

"How are you dear?" asked Mrs. Tresia.

"Good aunty." Nana answered while hugging Mrs. Tresia spoiledly.

"God, how comfortable it is to be in the arms of Mrs. Tresia, it seems I do not want to be far from her" Muttered Nana.

"Yesterday aunty and Yuri worried about you who did not come home for days because your phone could not be contacted, we felt calm when Lion told us that he was with you and auntie also did not think that he took you on a trip to Germany" continued Mrs. Tresia.

Nana just smiles because she doesn't know what to say to Mrs. Tresia, because she understands why Lion is hiding about her.

"Honey, let's go in! Auntie has made you delicious food," Mrs. Tresia took Nana's hand and brought her inside.

"Wait auntie, Mmm ... can Nana clean up in the room first, then go to the dining table then?" Nana asked.

"Of course you can." Mrs. Tresia immediately nodded and understood that Nana might be tired and needed rest.

After arriving in the room, Nana immediately rolled on the bed.

Satisfied rolling around, Nana got up. Take out her cellphone and make a call for Yuri.

📞 "Hello Yuri, guess where I am?"

📞 "At Tresi's aunt's house right?"

📞 "How do you know?"

"Of course, because I saw on TV about the news to Lion back earlier"

Ya "Yes you've won, oh yeah are you still in the office?".

"Yes" Yuri answered in a cold tone.

"Why is your voice limp and not so excited?"

"It's okay, oh yeah you make me jealous, I have been wanting to go to Germany for a long time but haven't accomplished yet while you are only in a short time suddenly there in Germany"

"This is because of the weird Lion, hehe ..., oh yeah I brought souvenirs for you and other friends".

"Is it true?".

"Yes, so hurry up and go home!"

"Ok, see you at home".

After talking to Yuri, Nana immediately pulled the suitcase and put it on the bed. Nana opened the closet and rearranged her clothes even though they were all bought by Lion when she was in Germany.

After completing, Nana chose to go back to the bed and lay down there, and she slept comfortably for a while.

"Oh my god, it's very comfortable," Nana muttered as she closed her eyes.

A moment later it was already 6 o'clock, the sound of a whistle made Nana look up and found Yuri smiling amused at her.

Of course that made Nana hysterical and immediately got up to hug Yuri whom she hadn't seen for several days.

"Yuri ... are you home?" Nana asked, rubbing her eyes.

"From two hours ago," Yuri answered smiling at Nana.

"Oh my Nana, it looks like you slept very fast" Yuri continued.

"Yes, I really feel tired after returning from the airport" Nana explained while sitting hugging a bolster pillow.

"You have a debt to me, and you have to pay it now!" Yuri concluded, looking at Nana sharply.

Nana frowned, "What debt?".