Story Of London (2)

"She's just a friend," Lion replied with a mischievous smile.

"Just a friend?, In front of this girl he said I'm just a friend, does that mean that this girl is very special to Lion?", Muttered Nana while holding pain in the corner of her eyes.

"Oh, I guess she's your girlfriend," continued the girl.

Lion just smiled and took another sip while staring at a pair of happy-looking brides while greeting their guests one by one.

Nana really felt hurt by Lion's confession today, because unable to bear the pain, Nana turned away from Lion and without Lion's knowledge, Nana suddenly left his side.

Realizing Nana wasn't beside his anymore Lion panicked, he glanced left and right but Nana wasn't seen either.

"Nana, where are you going?" Lion walked to reveal some guests and tried to find Nana.