Follow My Rules

"Kim Lion ..." shouted the elder Kim while hitting the table.

"Because I have said what I want to say, I will leave immediately." Lion stood up and showed his respect and turned toward the exit.

"Lion, stop there!" Elder Kim immediately stood up while screaming.

"Lion, listen to your grandfather!", Said Daddy Lion tried to win the sympathy of Kim's elders.

"Honey, come sit back!" Mrs. Tresia tried to ask Lion to compromise with his grandfather.

But Lion ignored all that and continued his steps and it made the elders of Kim's anger even more crazy.

"If you dare to step out of this room, grandfather make sure tomorrow you will not see your lover again".

Lion stopped and immediately turned "What will grandfather do to her?".

"Are you afraid? Don't you know that your snicker can't be denied?" Continued Elder Kim.