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»The next morning«

Nana woke up from her sleep at exactly 4 am as usual.

Nana blinked her eyes looking left and right, not long after that she remembered the night's events and immediately sat down on her bed.

"Aren't I on the boat last night with Jeha? Then why am I in my room now?" Nana asked confused with herself.

A moment later she remembered the motorcycle, Nana immediately ran out and saw the motorbike was in the front parking lot of the boarding house.

"Ahhh, thank God the motorbike is here, but how can I go home? Did I bring my motorcycle home?" Nana added confused.

"Aahhh .. I don't remember anything" after a long time thinking Nana ruffled her hair because she couldn't find an answer.

"Have you started going crazy because you didn't see me?" asked someone who was heard from behind Nana.

Hearing that voice Nana immediately glared and thought isn't this still morning? then whose voice is that?