Fox demon

But Nana was surprised to see women like them, they like to see difficult people and always look down on others, don't they think that such actions will only make the heart tired and uneasy?.

Aiss, the two women have mouths like trash, aren't their mouths schooled?, so they can say good and pleasant sentences? Nana thought.

A moment later, Nana remembered that she hadn't filled the guest book when she saw the reception stand.

How can I forget it?, anyway why did the stand not show up earlier when I entered. Nana thought.

Soon after that she hurried to the stand, and with enthusiasm she wrote her name and the name Khay.

A moment later Nana finished writing, but just when she was about to turn around, she was surprised to see Dania who was waiting in line behind her because she also forgot to fill in the guest book.