Throw a Flower

Joon's gaze was so sharp when he saw Yuri standing next to Ryeon, he thought he should be the one next to Yuri instead of Ryeon.

Yuri's heart pounded, her eyes filled with tears as her eyes met with Joon's.

Yuri can you hear the sound of my heart? I was sick seeing you with my brother ?. Joon's mind.

Joon why are you staring at me like that? this makes my heart feel sick. Yuri thought.

out of curiosity Yuri dared to ask Ryeon.

"How come Joon can sit with your family?" Yuri whispered. "Because Joon is my only brother" Ryeon answered.

Yuri was very surprised, she unconsciously clutched the flower in her hand.

How could this happen? Why didn't anyone tell me that Joon and Ryeon are brothers? gosh why is my love story so tragic ?. Yuri thought while crying deeply.