
»Lee Family Home«

Meanwhile in the Lee family's house, precisely in the New bridal chamber.

Because they overslept, Yuri and Ryeon did not go because they woke up late at night.

After finishing cleaning, Yuri suddenly remembered with her promise to Nana to have dinner at the cafe.

However, Yuri was confused because Nana never picked up the phone.

"Why do you look so worried?", Asked Ryeon who had been busy packing his things.

Yuri immediately sat near Ryeon while saying with a wistful expression, "Nana can't be reached so I'm worried".

"Maybe it's with Lion," Ryeon answered.

Could it be at night like this with Lion?. Yuri thought.

"Ryeon, can you call Lion?" Yuri asked. "Are you the one who called Lion?", said Ryeon while sitting near Yuri and smelled Yuri's sweet fragrance. For a moment, Ryeon was tempted especially the tip of Yuri's hair was still wet.