Honeymoon (5)

They came out of the room holding hands and smiling. Just then they again ran into the maid earlier. But Yuri and Ryeon ignored her.

The servant was staring confusedly at the couple.

What a strange couple, this morning they were making a fuss and now it seems like nothing happened, it's only natural that the girl will quickly melt because her husband is so handsome, but I feel like I've seen him but where is it? Is he the Oppa who often appears in my dreams ?. The waiter thought, smiling to herself.

A moment later, Yuri and Ryeon arrived in front of the Resort, and found the car that had been ordered by Ryeon in front of the hotel.

It didn't take long before Ryeon and Yuri got into the car.

"Are you ready?" asked Ryeon with a smile.

Yuri nodded as she smiled back at Ryeon, her ponytail twitched like a ponytail, she just realized that the black t-shirt she was wearing was the same as Ryeon's shirt and glasses, they looked like a good match.