Doing Operation (1)

Not long after, Lion and Jeha finally arrived at the director's room.

"Please sit down Mr. Lion!". said the director kindly. Suddenly he looked confused when he saw Jeha. "Sorry sir, if I may know who is the person next to Mr. Lion?". asked the director.

"He's a doctor who will operate on my sister". answered Lion glancing at Jeha.

The director was immediately dumbfounded, after which he said. "Sorry sir, but in this hospital we have a lot of specialist doctors so why do you bring other doctors? Do you not believe in the ability of doctors in this hospital?".

"The little girl had an accident this morning, and suffered an injury to her head, because it was not immediately handled, she also had a brain hemorrhage, all because of the fake doctor who suddenly was here". Jeha explained in a heavy tone.