Future wife

"Aaaaaaaaa ...". Lion sank down on his knees and looked up and screamed as hard as he could.

Just then the wind blew gently against Lion's face, immediately after that he looked up at the sky sadly and braved the wind hoping that this was just a dream.

Is it true that you really exist? If so, then please unite me with Nana, don't let me be disappointed for the second time to you God !. Inner Lion.

Suddenly Lion's cell phone rang and broke his reverie. Immediately he stood up and took out his cellphone from his trouser pocket.

Hyun Ae? is he back?. Lion thought after seeing caller ID.

"Hello". Lion's voice sounded a little sluggish and lazy.

"Hello boss, I want to report an important matter". said Hyun Ae.

"Where are you?". asked Lion.

"I just arrived in Korea and now I'm in the your room". replied Hyun Ae.

"Okay, we'll meet at the office in a few minutes, but before that send a helicopter to Haneul Park for me".