Love Can Be Created and Destroyed

Nana immediately returned to packing her suitcase without closing the bedroom door. After everything was sorted out, Nana didn't forget to clean the bed too, so that Khay wouldn't be bothered later. And be a good guest according to Nana.

At that moment Nana got a call from Nayla, Nana happily picked it up while sitting on the bed.

"you make it home today?". asked Nayla impatiently.

"Yes, I have packed and ready to go to Bandung. What's wrong?". said Nana enthusiastically.

"Umm ... Look, last night his friend Hafis expressed his heart's desire to propose to you, he's a good young man and has just finished his education in Mesir, so I hope you don't refuse his application, because tonight he will come with his family". explained Nayla.

Hearing Nayla's explanation, Nana's heart stopped beating for a moment just as she heard a nice young man about to propose to her. Suddenly Nana was silent and shed tears.