Palace of Billionaires

Ana immediately looked at Nana. She remembered Nana. Because they had spoken and met before during the assault on David's party.

With a soft and cracking smile, Ana bent her head to hug Nana while holding her big belly. After that she stood back up and looked at Nana again with a warm smile.

"Yes, I did come here on purpose to consult with the doctor as well as take a walk, because I'm tired of lying at home all the time". said Ana in response to Nana's question.

"You really have to rest enough because soon you will give birth?". said Nana kindly.

"That's what my very overprotective husband always says, hehe". said Ana, taking Alvin's arm. Alvin just smiled at his wife who called him overprotective. Because for Alvin whatever Ana said about him is true.

"Honey, after marriage we will be more romantic than Mr. Alvin and his wife?". Lion whispered to Nana.

Hearing Lion's whisper, Nana only replied with a wink.