Party (Jeju Chapter 4)

Lion immediately smiled at his wife's adorable behavior when she was embarrassed, after that Lion returned to his original position to greet his other guests.

"Honey, your cheeks are so red, can you control it?". whispered Lion, glancing at Nana with a sly smile.

Nana immediately turned to Lion, holding her cheek and said, "What the heck, who's blushing?".

"Hahaha. You are my dear wife". said Lion with a chuckle. Of course Nana immediately pouted.

Just when Lion and Nana were chatting, it was seen from a distance that a husband and wife with an elegant appearance that reflected an aura of nobility were walking towards the location of the event with some of their bodyguards. Everyone's focus was immediately on the group.

The boy looked tall and handsome with black hair. A typical Middle Eastern face with delicate sideburns adorning his sweet face.