Feel guilty

"I didn't mean that. But it's good if we give Yuri time to chat with her best friend, then we'll enter". Lion explained carefully.

Hearing Lion's explanation, Glow's grandmother immediately sat quietly and wanted to wait her turn.

"Monic, can you answer the question auntie?". asked Mrs. Tresia again continued her initial discussion after Glow's grandmother sat quietly beside Lion.

Hearing Mrs. Tresia, everyone looks at Monic, because they also want to know and get an explanation from Monic as an obstetrician.

Monic seemed to take a deep breath, after which she tried to explain carefully so that her family could understand what she knew.

"Okay aunt, I will explain now!". Monic replied.

After a brief pause, Monic opened her mouth again by starting her discussion. Meanwhile the others prepared to hear it.