Accidental Meeting

Ryeon finally closed his eyes as he put his hand on Yuri's stomach. And of course, Yuri didn't try to get rid of Ryeon's hand, she smiled happily and turned to hug Ryeon until they closed and went to dreamland together.

Meanwhile in China, to be precise in the evening before the evening the weather looks cloudy and almost rainy.

After finishing her meeting with several embassy members, Shin packed up several files scattered on the table, a moment later he rushed to leave the place.

Just as she was just leaving the meeting room, one of her colleagues at the embassy called her.

"Shin, will you be in China long?". asked her partner.

Shin immediately turned to the source of the voice and smiled while answering and answering the question "Looks like it will take a long time, because I have a pretty tough mission here".