Five Wolves Chapter (1)

"Because I still have events there, and I want you to accompany me". said Lion.

"I see. Alright, I'll take a shower now". said Nana as she got up and rushed to the bathroom enduring pain in certain parts of her body.

Seeing Nana walking slowly as if in pain, Lion immediately put down his cellphone and hurriedly lifted Nana's body which was still wrapped in the blanket.

Nana was shocked to see that in the blink of an eye she was already in Lion's arms.

"Don't protest, you're still not on the right way so I'll help you take a shower myself". said Lion as he stepped into the bathroom.

"But...". Nana tried to protest, but Lion immediately gave her a cynical look. Instantly Nana fell silent and bowed obediently letting Lion take her.