Jeha VS Shin-chapter (3)

"What? Sea ghost? You are like a sea monster; you like dry squid". said Shin with a frown. After that she rushed out of the sea and felt very uncomfortable because her body felt sticky.

Seeing Shin's behavior, Jeha crossed his arms to his chest while looking at Shin who came out of the beach, grumbling.

This girl is completely different from most other girls, sometimes she speaks frankly when she speaks, sometimes she's full of question marks and now she's like a cute little kid. As far as I know all women will praise a man when she is taken to a beautiful place, but different from her. Jeha thought, smiling wistfully.

"Hey ... Jellyfish! Do you really not want to take a bath with me?". shouted Jeha again.

Shin stopped when she heard a call from Jeha.

What? Jellyfish? Then he wants to feel the jellyfish stings, alright then I'll show Dried Squid what jellyfish are. Inner Shin while turning her head to Jeha who was still on the beach.