What's wrong with him?

"Why should that be? Even if you don't like me, can't we still be friends?". asked Shin while holding back her tears due to the intense pain in her heart.

Seeing Shin looking down while crying, for some reason Jeha's heart felt crushed. He wanted so badly to hug Shin because for the first time he felt something more daring in girls. Even so Mayleen's gentleness and how he found her could not be overcome by the madness of lust.

"Sorry, I want to be alone and thank you for your kindness last night and today. Now, you can go out!". Jeha said as he left Shin to the bathroom without paying attention to the confused Shin.

What's wrong with him? What was my fault that he did this cruel thing to me? didn't we kiss earlier, is that not enough to describe that we both have feelings ?. Inner Shin while turning her mind to find out what exactly happened.

In the midst of her confusion, Shin tried to control her feelings so that she didn't look whiny.