Hunting Mission

"Ok". said Shin enthusiastically without the slightest suspicion.

After that, YK ran away from Shin and used her fast running ability.

Jeha starts to feel confused when he hears YK's voice about to leave the location, he starts to lose his temper and tries to suppress Shin.

"Shin, where are you? Tell me your location right now!". Jeha's voice starts to sound heavy.

"Sorry, I can't tell you". said Shin with a look of regret.

"Okay, I can find it myself". After saying that Jeha immediately turned off the video call.

Shin felt strange about Jeha's sudden attitude. But she didn't want to bother because tonight she had to focus on all the controls so that her friends didn't take the wrong action.

Meanwhile Jeha runs away from the Great Hall at lightning speed because he senses that he has something to confirm from the woman who has just been caught.