Cold aura

After that everyone dispersed and returned to their original activities.

Now all that's left is Nana, Lion and Hyun Ae. "Why didn't you pick up my phone? Don't you know how panicked I was when you found out you were in the hospital?". asked Lion sarcastically.

Hearing Lion's question, Nana instead turned to Hyun Ae, who was frozen beside Lion with a sad expression and worried that Lion would take out his anger on Hyun Ae. Lion followed where Nana's gaze was, he was surprised because he had not seen that Hyun Ae was injured.

"What's wrong with Hyun Ae? Why is his arm bandaged?" Lion continued after noticing Hyun Ae's bandaged hand.

"I'll tell you later, we should go back home, because I'm so tired". said Nana as she pulled Lion's hand.

Even though there were many questions on Lion's mind, he couldn't ignore Nana's pleas, he finally nodded and followed Nana obediently.