Confusion chapter (1)

Seeing Jeha's attitude, Lion laughed in his heart, while Aiko was a little confused by Jeha's attitude who seemed uncomfortable around her.

"Let's congratulate Mr. Park Jeha". shouted the MC, clapping his hands. Jeha, who is still confused because he feels that he didn't participate in this event, even received an award, is this a dream? All the guests also applauded loudly and congratulated them.

Actually, Lion was the one who recommended Jeha to take part in the event as a gift. But he didn't expect that Jeha's expression didn't match what he imagined.

"Mr Park Jeha and Princess Aiko, both of you please return to the designated place to enjoy dinner tonight". The MC continued, inviting the two people to return to their seats.

Jeha and Aiko returned to their respective seats without glancing or greeting each other.

"It is time". Ki Tae whispers to YK when he sees Lian Xi approaching their table.