Prince Azzam

However, Jeha is quite familiar with that face, so he tries to remember where he had seen it. Meanwhile, the young man seemed to be smiling when he saw YK. He calmly stepped closer to YK's bed and greeted him without noticing Jeha's whereabouts.

"Assalamualaikum, my future wife!". said the young man with a smile at YK who had just turned her head at him.

YK tried to paint a smile behind the tears that had just been swept away, only to leave an impression of being okay.

"Waalaikumsalam Prince, thank you for coming all the way just to pick me up!".

"It's nothing for me, the important thing is I can make sure my future wife is fine". Said the young man who was called prince by YK.

YK just smiled as she nodded her head while stealing glances at Jeha, who looked frozen at the young man.