Should This? 

When she felt hopeless, Shin thought of the caller, but unfortunately, she left her cellphone at the hotel and she felt frustrated again. Right at that time she saw the most corner room and it was the most spacious and it looked so crowded from the inside, Shin immediately approached the room with a chaotic heart.

Not long after that, Shin opened the door and how shocked she was when she saw Jeha who was drunk was crushed by a group of rich heirs.

"Stop ...!" shouted Shin as she ran to protect Jeha with her back.

Instantly the rich heirs immediately stepped back and gaped at the beautiful girl in front of them. Jeha, who was still quite aware, looked up at the girl who was embracing him and gave up her back to be hit for his sake and it reminded him of Mayleen who had done the same for him.

"Mayleen?" said Jeha with a flat look.

Shin's heart was pricked again because at this critical time Jeha even mentioned Mayleen's name and not herself.