The meeting

Inside the white space.

Alexander asked himself. "Where is this?"

Alexander said while observing the white space and make a conclusion."This is heaven with the hot chicks, right?" he continue " so, we're are the hot chicks?"

Voice heard from his back. "Wrong! this is my dimension, young man." and he step forward toward Lucas.

When Alexander turned his body back. Where the voice came from he and cursed loudly. "f*ck! this is hell"

because, the person in front of him is handsome guy with bulking muscle wearing a Greek gods costume. When he shouted by reflex's his hand cover his butt.

"Sh*t! can you stop your action is disgusting. Also, my liking is women with big butt and long legs." The man shouted while pointing his finger to Alexander. Then, he continue "I'm Supreme Being you know understand!! and I will let you reincarnate once again because of your goods deeds while you are at the syndicate. Also, as I will reward a 'the system evolution'. Also,I let you reincarnate carry your own, gifts." The Supreme Being said and asked "Any question, Alexander?"

"Oh!! Nope! Supreme Being" Alexander said while thinking "he looks g*y to be Supreme Being." Then, he continue" Can I go now?"

"Oh, do I look g*y to you?" Supreme Being laugh in self defeat. Then, he continue and pointing toward the roulette said." Spin the roulette and say stop you will be transfer to the pointed name of world. So, Alexander entertain me and I will reward you, Alexander."

Supreme Being think then, added "Your name Alexander will be your true name. So, protect this name. When you grow your true name will be your strength. I will name you 'Lucas' you will shine in your journey. Good luck! little boy, entertain me." As, Supreme Being vanish while laughing like he did not exist.

"What, so he is a Supreme Being though he looked g*y?" Alexander shock and said to himself, Then continue. "So, I need to spin the roulette right and my name is Lucas?"

Alexander said while meditating shouted with loud voice, said " since it felt empty No, I proclaim my new name is Lucas D. Cale! Yes my name *urgh*"

He fainted as he shout his name which lead and started to evolved deepest his soul. Then inside he was covered by a light for few second.