System evolution, Esper evolution and Goddess message (part 2)


[Event quest: Create a suitable body

Description: Host need to adjust his body to it's peak but, host need to adjust wisely because it will become your foundation to became the top of the food chain.

Reward: Esper evolution, +2 level, random bag, beginners bag and 100,000 experience accumulation.

Failure: No further esper evolution.

Time limit: 3 hours]

Lucas cursed in low voice "sh*t" Then, asked the the system a.i. " A.I what should I do? you are my advisor right?" while hiding his smile.

System A.I silence for a while then

reply" Host! don't need to test me. I am only your advisor and host know already and the answer use the character adjust which one time use."

Hearing, system A.I reply Lucas was satisfied with it's reply since he live in underworld at age of 5. The first thing to do is to test someone if he/she is reliable. Also, he read some novel not to trust in system to much because sometimes they are unreasonable and unreliable but, this system is reasonable with a different action than what he think.

Lucas stayed silent for while then said "yosh... I will adjust my body. let's see 1st my is D to 10 inches *laughing with a pervert expression*. Nice one, next my height is to 190cm and my eyes can't be changed. Then, some minor adjustment, done confirm!" After, Lucas confirm his body and soul became one and his esper abilities started to evolve little by little. Then, Lucas was covered by black, red, and white lights like a cocoon. Entire 1hr. has passed and evolution come to end.


[Quest Completed

Evaluation: SS+


- 2,500,000 experience accumulation

-1000 gold

- +10AP, +20SP, +20BP

- +2 level up

- Special Bag (2x)

- Beginners Bag (1x)

-Random Bag (1x)

-Esper evolution completed: Regeneration, Gluttony

Note: Regeneration- the higher level the faster to heal and continues heal is activated with vitality reach 60 AP stats.

Gluttony- You can absorb the stats and skills randomly. The higher level you can pick any skill and stats when you something.]

Lucas jaws dropped when reading the notification by his 1st quest and laugh mildly. Then, asked the system" A.I are you sure about the reward and there is no BUG right? Also, my reward is greater than the actual reward."

A.I reply toward Lucas worry "host this is the universal evaluation of the system. System believe greater evaluation, the higher reward likewise the poor evaluation, the low reward."

Hearing system reply, Lucas laugh once again because he liked the A.I's reasoning and he kept silent while thinking then, said "status"


[Name: Lucas D. Cale Age:19

Title: {cursed child}, (Hell butcher, Ghost),


Job: [locked]

Side Job: live streamer level 2, Mascot lvl 4, Brawler level 6

(Cadre level max, Hitman level max, Slayer level 8,

Spy level max)

level 3 (10%)

experience accumulation: 2, 500, 000 exp. share

Hp: 100/ 800 Mp: 120/ 800 Sp: 5000/ 6000

Str: 20. Sta: 30. Int: 15. charm: 50

Vit: 18 Agi: 18 luck: 10. sense: 23

AP: 12. SP: 20. B0: 20

Esper Abilities:

•Regeneration (passive/ active)

•Gluttony (passive)

Skills: None


•Parkour level 5 (80/5000)

•cooking level 4 (400/4000)

•CQC level 8 (50/8000)

•Driving level 7 (1050/7000)

•Language Comprehension level 5 (50/5000)

•Markmanship level max (upgradable)

•Sword Mastery level 9 (100/ 9000)

•Scouting level 8 (100/ 8000)

•hacker level 8 (700/8000)


Cursed child

Permanent effect:

*misfortune will appear when luck hit 10

*+1000 SP, +100 HP and +100 MP if he survive when misfortune happened

*+1 AP to all except luck

*+ 5 AP random except luck if the holder survive more than 2 minutes while misfortune happened

other effect:

*when luck increase by 30 charm increase by 10

*when luck increase by 100 charm increase by 200 and every stats lower than 60 will increase by 20

*Title change to Heaven's child, when luck increase to 150 and charm increase to 500

NOTE: the some sub job and title is hidden which host hold in his previous life.]

When Lucas, reading his status and contemplating how he survive in his bad luck to change his title.

a notification pop-up in his sight.

*Ding* New message

[title: my little lamb

sender: the goddess of fate and destiny]