Hell Butler in action! (part 3- last)

when Lucas introduce himself as 'hell Butler' the people inside the room became tense especially Alucardo George who is a vice-president who has a force working for him in dark while same time he has a great information network as a government official.

knowing what future await him, he shouted "you can't kill me I'm the vice-president of the country and you will become a public enemy of the country!!" he said while pointing his finger and shaking.

while Alib became more serious because he sense danger coming from his body, he shouted "kill him!" *bang*bang*bang* the armed groups fired their weapon continuously while Lucas he didn't moved or dodged because he is confident of his defense and he ate the optimize devil fruit. Then, he smiled to them with a snap his finger *tsss* and burst of lightning appear.

When the burst of sudden lightning, blackout happened. One person shouted "stop!sto--*toud**bang*bang*" The people inside kept firing within the darkness and few minutes after some people shouted for mercy, cursing, some prayed to there gods and some groaning. but, all of them died miserably they will be struck by lightning, died by the sword slash or die with a astray of bullet.

When the light returned the only 7 people remained alive Lucas, Alucardo George, Alib and the 4 little girls but, Alucardo's fainted and the 4 little girls shaking in fear while Alib laughed.

Alib said "good! good! you are gifted as well?" Then, continue, "If you are then, die!" A purple mist started to spread in alarming rate and he raised his hand a purple sphere is formed.


[Emergency quest: Rescue the four children and survive and defeat the enemy


_ + 1 level

_ 100 gold

_ poison resistance

Lucas cursed then he transform himself in Pheonix Hybrid. He flew and covered the four children with his wings. *bang* a purple sphere shot towards him but, he *groan* because it itches.

Then, he used his energy gun *bang* but, Alib used his purple mist became a solid wall. Then, Alib counter it with purple spear. Then, Lucas waved his hand and a katana appeared deflecting the purple spear because Lucas know even he survive but the 4 little girls will died.

Upon seeing the bizarre situation Alib shocked then he tumble sideward *slash* hearing the sound of sword he felt a cold sweat formed in his back because his head will separated if he moved slowly. Then he turn his head seeing the Butler with a sword in his hand and he looked at 4 girls he only see a barrier and a talisman with a strange runes.

Lucas said "Alib, is your name right? you are good but, you must die right know and be my experience." while grinning. Then, he waved his sword and dashed toward Alib while laughed because he felt alive.

The clash between the process of exchanging blows both of them laugh because they felt there blood boiling. Lucas only use his haki to temper his body and his sense while he release a yin Energy from his Yomi Yomi no Mi which is ice elements in the sword to became lethal to damage human soul and freezing body part.

*bang* a man lie down with his arm missing and he realized how lethal the yin Energy because, your sense of touch and your some nerves will go numb without knowing your body parts is being cut one by one. Then, Alib laughed he asked the person in front "Who are you?" then he asked once again "May I know your name before you end my suffering because, I want to know the last person who will end my hell and asked Halah to blessed him with 72 virgins." he, said while laughing *cough*cough* a blood flowing from his mouth.

Then, Lucas said "Lucas D. Cale" *stab* his chest while looking at Alib eyes. Then, Alib reply "Shine? yes, *cough*cough* you are my light." Alib laugh then he died smiling. Then, a notification pop-up:


[Gluttony activated: cosume Alib blood and memories. Skill: Medical and Poison (passive) skill acquired and Poison resistance acquired]

*Ding* [Event quest: SS+]

*Ding* [General quest: S+]

*Ding* [Emergency quest: EX]

*Ding* [LOL skill unlock]

Then, Lucas contact the his little lover who is working both media and authorities and explained the event and sent the evidence to them.

Next morning a headline news can be read:

'Hell Butler action for killing 500 terrorist and 100 criminals while Alib one the 4 pillars of the Apophis terrorist group killed on the spot and vice-president scheme during June 24 and some rumor he is a lolicon.'

But, the main character of this event is still sleeping with beauties in his arms.