Escort operation

Inside the 5 star hotel.

The people inside the room hesitated because zombie smell are rotten and disgusting. Mariam gathered her courage and asked.

"Lucas, why we need to collect zombies?" she said.

Lucas replied to Mariam and looked at them, said. "because, according to my observation zombies are sensitive. So, we must cover our body with there smell like zombie fat, blood or skin. We must also moved in group being separated means death because some zombies will eat other zombies."

He looked at them seeing there confused looked, he smiled and said to them. "I tell you before I entered the city square. I encountered a two group of zombies and day ate each others. the defeated zombie leader was devoured by the other zombie leader and the rest of the it's subordinates became a zombie food to other zombies. What I didn't expected those zombies who survived became more stronger. So, it concluded zombies keep eating the other zombies to for them to grow stronger, but the bad news even they keep eating there numbers didn't decrease."

Upon hearing the grave news they didn't expect those zombies will grow stronger Everyday. 1 day has passed, but zombies are already started to evolve to become more stronger. So, most of the survivor decided to follow Lucas instruction because having a zombie neighbor is not a good choice.

Lucas looked at them and seeing there determination he smiled at them, said "Let's operation start. My first command is gather all available materials like blanket, bleach, Alcohol, pillows, map, coat, wooden table and other materials which is easy to carry. Also, we must divide our group of 5 for us to move faster and kill zombies as many as you can. The more zombie materials we have the higher chance of survival, Moved!"

They moved according to Lucas instruction. Because, if those news are true they are not safe staying in this place anymore, but not all of them is reasonable and someone keep mumbling saying. "sh*t! I will kill you and play with your girlfriend, Lucas. I kill you and leave this place fool! Since, your vehicle is nearby I will kill you." and he laughed inside.


[Emergency quest: A traitor emergence

Description: he loved power, yet he is coward. He want to show his fang to prove he is stronger than other, but he is a failure.

Objective mission:

_ Evidence of traitor.

_ saved at least 10 survivor.

_ catch the traitor and kill or keep him/her.

_ protect Jairah


• Special gift. • 1,000,000 experience share

• 100,000 gold

• random skill book


• death of Jairah Cage]

When the quest notification appeared he actived his map and seeing there is red dot among the blue, green and yellow dot. Lucas has an idea who is this traitor and said and low voice. "Dare to threaten my own companion you are a dead man."

*at night in a certain room inside the 5 star hotel*

A group of people gathered

"When the time is ripe we must act and kill him or threaten him using Jairah." the leader said

"Also, boss we must capture one of his girlfriend to assure our plan to work." one of the leaders cronies and other people agree.

"we must distract him with some zombies to kill them and reduce there numbers. By, the time we capture the vehicle there lives is ours." the leader said while his cronies laughed because they can enjoy tomorrow. If this operation is successful.

few minutes later, there meeting is officially ended. by the time no one is remaining a person appeared holding a phone and said.

"You are a dead man Michael and I will use you with your cronies become my first human experiment."

*Next morning, zombies keep roaming around to search for foods and some zombies keep roaring.

Inside the hotel a group of survivors gathered. They are covered themselves by blanket with the zombie skin and soaked it with zombie fat and blood. Also, there body is covered with bleach wearing a feathered coat soaked with zombie fat. Also, some of them Carrying a pillow or magazine for defense. Also, some of them Carrying a Molotov and improvise map.

One person front of them looking at them and smiled, said. "Are you ready, when we run. don't make any noise and Don't use any form Glass even using a binoculars." then continued. "Follow my order for you to live."

Lucas turned around said in low voice "Let's move! and may the goddess of luck be with us."