Volume 3 character introduction

Alice Rajah - British Syrian, her father is retired mercenary and her mother is a doctor. In early days her father taught her about close combat and weapon either guns or knife. In the the age of 12 her mother taught her about medicine including surgery, poison and antidote. In her college she take a teaching course to help the children of Syria, but in underworld she was called Dr. Stranger a mysterious doctor. Which is known to saved people in jaw of death without blood transfusion only to used her own hands and surgical knife.

Joan the ark - know as Jeanne d'Arc, she was Francia martyr. She was called saint in history, but the church burn her to death in stake because she was called heretic, yet she lived once again as a undead. But, thanks to her pure heart which led her to hold her own consciousness even centuries has passed and because of Gaia blessing she received from early days. She became a living undead even retaining her beauty. later, she followed Lucas to fulfill her revenge toward every royalties and nobles and to accomplish her holy mission which is to capture Lucas heart and love her.

Harry Anderson - a Navy seal of Columbus. An specialist in every military tactics. He followed Lucas because he loved Alice and his desire for adventure and to accomplish his best friend wish to be a guardian of Lexus and Lex. He was an esper and his ability is Keen sense.

Lex and Lexus Wilson - Twin boys having a special gift to communicate in every creatures. They loved Harry as there father and guardian. Both of them has a crush on Jairah and they think Lucas as rival because once Jairah told them to be strong like her big brother.

Alex Lumundag - Archipelago Isles SF, he was a pure Filipino and an expert using bolo, specialist in reconnaissance and sabotage. he has natural talent in tracking even Harry only to salute of him because he has a good nose like dog and eyes like eagle. During his mission he saved seven civilian and almost die only to be saved by Alice in neck time. Since, then he offer his life to her to be bodyguard and followed Lucas because he want to learned from him.

Xi'an Chu - a Chinese student and one of Lucas little lover. She was a martial arts expert, swordmaster and studying at molecular engineering. because her dream is to brought to life her ancestry alchemy and be one of the living alchemist.

Anna Brooklyn - A rape victim from the raiders group. She was saved by Lucas during the process. Also, she doesn't trust any men other than Lucas because of her experience. She act like a cat in front of Lucas and Lucas treated her like his little sister. Yet once she entered in combat. You will see and understand her nature, she is a mad person and her instinct is sharp like beast. Also, she is the leader of Amazon squad under Lucas. She has no romantic feeling toward Lucas rather she saw him like a brother for know.

Dhiana Harvest - Captain of Raptors under the Delta force of Francia. She specialist in warfare, sniper and close combat. She loved Alex and almost gave her life just to save him. She followed Lucas because of Mariam which is her idol and a former president of Francia.

Patrica Blaze - One of Lucas little lover and a single mother. She was a businesswoman and CEO of blaze company. She is natural born genius in innovation and technologies. Later, she create a sub fortress with the help of Rosario and Red Queen(Replica).

Monica Blaze - The daughter of Patrica Blaze and she liked Lucas to be her father. She is the same age of Jairah. Jairah is jealous of her because Lucas loved her much to the point he let her sleep with him likewise Monica envy Jairah because Lucas always hug and Patting her head.

Peter Blaze - The only son of Patrica Blaze and he hate Lucas because he has a mother complex and one day he was fall in love with tsundere and yandere complex twin sister. He was a good in combat and like his mother he is a genuis. He has a great ambition to surpass Lucas one day.

Rein Thomas - The only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Her father was killed by Michael. She was gifted in photographic memory and born painter. One day she became a mutant through Lucas help and she swear alliance to him. She only saw Lucas like her own brother, master and teacher.

Mrs. Thomas / Claire Thomas - Rein's mother and caring mother of Lucas team even Lucas treated her like his own mother. She is also a bookworm, musician, painter and natural born strategies in politics, business and warfare.

Clark/ Mr. Thomas - One of the zombies under Lucas with the use of the skill name death parade. Also, he is the father of Rein and husband of Claire Thomas. He is a good politician especially in domestic and a good strategies like his wife.

Mary - She is called the Winter witch. She is the twin sister of Rose both of them has a Tsundere - Yandere complex. She can manipulate water. When she became a mutant her control toward water become her strong point and she is able to draw waters from non-living things. Also, she can also control the clouds formation as long the she can see a moon. She loved Lucas, yet she is cold to him and almost kill Lucas little lover, but she Lucas let her listen with his expertise in field of women.

Rose - She is called the Summer witch. She is the twin sister of Mary both of them has a Tsundere - Yandere complex. She can manipulate fire and like her sister she became a mutant her control toward fire become strong. Her mutant ability is to control the flow of temperature in accordance of her likeness. She is sweet toward Lucas and accepted every Lucas little lover, but in exchange of one thing she has the right to stab Lucas once a week without fighting back. At, first he is against, but in the end he is forced to agree. Since he can't removed her obsession of stabbing him to show her love.


this novel is fiction and any name and place is coincidence. (^^)(^^)